At that moment, the Deputy Chief of the Icy Frost Clan suddenly came charging in and Qing Yu did not think that it could be for anything good.

"They said they are here to look for Young Master Jun." One of the their own members said.

Qing Yu was surprised. "Looking for Young Master Jun for?"

Qing Yu had just finished saying that when sounds of an argument had already broken out within the hall. Shangguan Yan who was already past forty years of age had forcefully come charging in with a group of men from the Icy Frost Clan as they came to stand right before Qing Yu.

The expression on Qing Yu's face immediately darkened.

"Shangguan Yan! What is the meaning of this! ? Even when you are the Deputy Chief of the Icy Frost Clan, do not forget this is the Fiery Blaze Clan's Clan Hall! This is not a place that you can come and go just as you please!"

Shangguan Yan looked at Qing Yu with a sneer, contempt written all over his face.

"Qing Yu, it's good that you are here, as the reason I have come here today is linked to you just as well. Where is the boy from out of town that you brought in from before? Hurry and hand him over to us now!"

"Young Master Jun is a guest of our Fiery Blaze Clan. We would not hand him over just because you say so! Shangguan Yan, aren't you taking our Fiery Blaze Clan too lightly! ?" Qing Yu's face was dark as thunder. The fact that Shangguan Yan had come charging in with such a big group of men, it was seen that this was not about anything insignificant. And after he had specifically named Jun Xie as the person he had come for, how could Qing Yu allow him to have it his way?

"Oh? The kind of place that the Fiery Blaze Clan Hall really is, all of you know it best yourselves! Your own Clan Chief had suddenly brought in a little brat of unknown origins to stir up unrest and the brat had even gone to the Spirit Beast Arena and broken the rules there to win himself the topmost rank! As one of the four clans of the Thousand Beast City, if the Fiery Blaze Clan intends to cover up for him, our Icy Frost Clan will never allow such a scourge to continue inflicting such harm upon us!" Shangguan Yan said with a contemptuous sneer.

Chapter 992: "Even Before the Water Had Calmed (3)"

"What nonsense are you spouting here! ?" Qing Yu asked, his eyes narrowing up.

"What is or isn't, isn't decided just because you say so." A cold and chilling voice suddenly sounded.

Qing Yu turned his head behind in surprise, suddenly seeing Jun Xie who had been completely unnoticed walking over to them.

"Young Master Jun, why are you....."

"So! You are Jun Xie!" The moment Shangguan Yan realised that that was Jun Xie, rage filled his chest. If not for that youth's strange Spirit Beast, how would his son have gotten himself injured by the Six Armed Black Ape! ?

"Yes." Jun Wu Xie replied nonchalantly.

"Hand over your Spirit Beast now!" Shangguan Yan snarled through gritted teeth.

Jun Wu Xie lifted up an eyebrow.

"What for?"

"You used despicable methods to cheat in the Spirit Beast Arena! According to the rules, we will need to put your Spirit Beast down!" Shangguan Yan said with a sneer.

Jun Wu Xie swept him a cold gaze and asked: "With what proof?"

Shangguan Yan replied: "Your Spirit Beast possesses absolutely no attack power at all but it is able to make other Spirit Beasts flee just with the sound it makes. No such Spirit Beast has ever existed under the entire Heavens, so you must have employed some extraordinary method to make it like this! The Spirit Beast Arena has their Spirit Beast Arena rules and we hope you will abide by them. Do not force us to act on it ourselves."

Genius Doctor Black Belly Miss (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now