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Chloe woke and sighed. It had been a few weeks since Esmè had gone to London. And deep down, Chloe missed her sister. But she knew that Esmè had ruined their relationship.

Chloe looked up as Sami walked in. The two of them had hooked up as Chloe wanted to get back at Warren for him cheating.

Sami smiled. "So... this keeps happening."

Chloe nodded and grinned. She pulled him close to her. "Yes it does. And you know what? I'm glad it does. Because Warren cheated on me with my own sister. So this is mild."

Sami smirked. He laid her down and got between her legs. The two of them kissed heatedly.

The door knocked. Chloe grinned. "Leave it. Whoever it is, it'll go away," she said.

Sami nodded. He kissed her heatedly and pulled down her thong. Before anything more could happen, there was a small voice. "Mummy?"

Sami got off of her and laid under the duvet. Teddy walked in. Chloe smiled. "What's wrong baby?" She asked.

Teddy wiped away some tears. "Me miss Esmè. Me see her?"

Chloe sighed. "Esmè isn't here anymore darling. I don't know if we will see her again."

Teddy nodded and toddled off. Sami looked at Chloe. "Is there any chance of you forgiving your sister?"

Chloe sighed. "I miss her. But she ruined my family. I know it wasn't just her. But she didn't help."

Chloe had taken Teddy to nursery. She saw Marnie and sighed. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Marnie shook her head. "Esmè has gone missing. I went to her flat in London and she isn't there. She's not back in the village."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "I'm sure she's attention seeking mum. She'll be fine soon."

Marnie sighed. "I know you don't like her much.   But she's your sister and I think something has happened to her. Please. Will you try and call her?"

"Fine. But the moment she answers, I'm hanging up."

Marnie looked at her. "You drove your sister away but yet Warren is still here? He was the one who went after your sister. Not the other way round."

Chloe went to see Sami. She saw Warren instead. "What do you want?" She asked as she looked at him.

"When can I see Teddy?"

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Go and pick her up from nursery. And then take her to my mum. And I'll pick her up after. We don't need to speak."

Warren smirked. "Come on. You're not still annoyed with me? Esmè has gone. Let's move on and give our family another try."

Chloe scoffed and looked at him. "Not at all. You're scum with a capital s."

"But yet you're the one who keeps coming back. Felt good. Knowing I'd had both the sisters. Not had Ellie though. Maybe I should," Warren said as he walked off.

Chloe sat in her flat. She was trying to get in touch with Esmè. But she wasn't answering. Chloe knew she was mad at her sister. But she didn't want to have anything happen to her.

Chloe sighed as she gave up. She looked up as Marnie walked in with Teddy. "Hey baby. Go to your room and play. Mummy needs to talk to nanny."


Chloe sighed. "I couldn't get in touch with Esmè. I'm sure she's fine though. Living the life of luxury."

Marnie nodded. She looked at Chloe and hugged her. "You're an amazing daughter."

Chloe smiled and nodded. But she had no idea how Warren Fox was going to mess with her family yet again.

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