Ch. Two

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Chloe sighed to herself as she woke up. She smiled as she saw teddy who was in bed next to her, where warren should of been. Chloe couldn't help but worry over what was going on with warren.

He had been off and distant a lot lately and it worried Chloe. She hoped that he wasn't caught up on any dodgy dealings again. Chloe knew that when she had teddy that he promised it would stop but it wasn't that easy for warren.

He liked the risk of it all. Chloe stood up and wrapped teddy in the blanket. Chloe looked to her and rolled her eyes. She was only two and she snored like her father. Chloe ran her hands through her hair and sighed as she made herself a coffee.

She heard a knock at the door and smiled as she answered it and saw Esmè. Esmè walked into the flat and smiled

"are you okay, you look stressed"

"I woke up and warren wasn't here. I'm scared es, I'm scared he will end up onside and if he does what do I tell her that daddy couldn't be good to see you grow up" Chloe said as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed

Esmè looked to her and smiled

"it might be nothing and I know that he is warren and it's usually something but you need to find him and talk to him. It's for the best and of her is involved in something isn't it better that you know" Esmè said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"I can always count on you" Chloe said as she hugged Esmè and smiled. Teddy walked out of the bedroom and yawned

"I hungry" she said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"don't worry, mummy is going to make some pancakes" Chloe said as teddy looked to her and grinned. Teddy looked to Esmè and smiled

"es stay"

"of course I will cutie" Esmè said as teddy grinned. Esmè sat with teddy and smiled. She knew that deep down she felt guilt over what had happened with her and warren as the last thing she wanted was to destroy teddy's little family.


Chloe walked through the village with teddy, she groaned to herself as teddy was throwing everything out of her pushchair

"teddy will you stop" Chloe said

"do you want a hand" she heard someone say as she looked to sami as he picked up a bottle and a doll that teddy had thrown out. Chloe looked to him and smiled as she took them from him and smiled

"thanks, she's a bit of a handful at the minute"

"like her father" Sami said as Chloe chuckled slightly

"yeah, you could say that"

"your a good mum Chloe, I have seen it and I do think if I didn't take you for advantage and ignore you than you wouldn't of slept with warren and maybe she could of been mine" Sami said as he handed teddy her doll as Chloe smiled

"I wouldn't change her for the world, she's the only good thing that came out of me and warren but I'm sorry that i ever hurt you" Chloe said as Sami looked to her and smiled as he took a hold of her hand and smiled

"you don't need to be" he said as he walked off


Chloe stormed out of the flat. She and warren had a fight over him not being there for her and teddy. She left him to look after teddy.

Chloe knew that she needed some space. She ran her hands through her hair as she walked through the village.

"Chloe" Sami said as Chloe looked to him and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as he pulled her into the alleyway behind the club

"warren and I are fighting, my head is a mess" she said as he hugged her and smiled

"it's okay" he said as he held her close. She looked to him for a moment as he leant in and kissed her. She kissed him back as he kiss got more passionate as he pushed her against the wall. 

He stood between her legs as she ran her hands through his hair as he ran his hands up her body. Chloe knew it was wrong but she couldn't help but question why it felt so right.

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