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Chloe lay in bed with Sami. She couldn't believe that they had ended up having sex.

She knew that she wasn't shamed but she was shocked.

She knew part of her was glad that it had happened. Sami looked to Chloe and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she liked to him and smiled

"I'm perfect" she said as she leant in and kissed him. Sami pulled her close and kissed her back as the kiss got more passionate as she straddled him.

She smirked as she get him get hard against her. Sami pulled her close as he rolled over so that he was on top of her as there was a knock at the door.

Chloe groaned as she looked to Sami

"stay here" she said as she grabbed her dressing gown off of the side as she asked to the front door and sighed

"what do you want warren"

"I want to see my daughter" he said

"she's out with esme, look you can see her later" Chloe said

"you can't stop me seeing her"

"I won't just go and I'll bring her around later" Chloe said as he looked to her for a moment and nodded

Chloe walked through the village and smiled as she met up with esme and teddy.

Teddy ran over to Chloe who picked her up and kissed her

"have you been good for auntie esme" Chloe asked

"yes mummy" teddy said as Chloe looked to her and smiled. Chloe looked to esme and frowned

"you look tired are you okay?"

"I'm okay it's just my time of the month coming up" esme said as Chloe nodded. Chloe knew her sister well and she knew that esme was hiding something and she was worried over what it was

"come on munchkin let's go" Chloe said to teddy. Chloe walked back into the flat with teddy and smiled

"did you have fun?"

"Yes mummy, does esme have a boyfriend" teddy asked

"no why are you asking" "she make grown up noises you and daddy upset fo make" teddy said as Chloe frowned realising that her sister was hiding something and it was to do with who she was sleeping with and Chloe was going to find out who it was

Chloe got to warrens flat as teddy ran inside. Chloe handed warren a bag and smiled

"are you sure that there is no way we can sort things out" he asked as she smiled

"warren we are better apart and need to think of teddy and put her first" Chloe said as warren looked to her and sighed.

Warren knew he loved Chloe still and the family they had and he knew he was risking it all with Esmè and he knew t would only be so long before Chloe found out but part of him loved the risk

He knew she was right especially when he was sleeping With esme but he had no idea how teddy knew and how she could blow everything apart but could warren mange to get teddy to keep secret or would teddy blow it all apart?

But how far would warren go even if it. Want keeping his own daughter quite?

Exes with passion *Hollyoaks*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat