Fly me to the moon: Oberon

Start from the beginning

I made sure to stop his fall with a cotton bed. Eric tried to inspect his mouth to see if he was not biting his tongue.

Hanna immobilized his paws, seeking to prevent him from damaging himself with his bare claw, who were already quite in a bad shape.

Eric slowly lifted him, carrying him like a baby. He was breathing extremely fast, and his pulse was a little weaker than average, even for him.

Seth was barely conscious, only moving by reflex whenever something touched him, flinching, but lacking the explosive reflex that came just after that. Instead, he clasped his paw together, and never separated them, holding them tightly, as if he was holding paws with someone else. It could be that he dreamed of holding paws with someone as his eyes moved extremely fast under his eyelid. He was muttering incomprehensible words, and he seemed panicked, and sad.

At least, it's what the inflexion on his face and muzzle told me.

When we were halfway to the way home in Eric car, he started crying in his sleep.

I observed him well, under all angle. It was not a result of magic, but a side effect, and what was happening right now was purely psychological.

How unlucky we were. As powerful we seemed, no one had experience with mind magic.

Hanna could destroy .

I could build

Eric could erase.

But none of us can penetrate a yuuman mind. How pitiful.

With nothing to do but wait, I got back to my room. It's more like a lab than a room by the way. Many vials and tools to experiment, but only a simple bed, bland in color, barely touched.

I never slept alone. I don't know how to. So usually, I sleep on Hanna chair in her room.

My mind always goes blank when I'm alone and there is nothing to do. The presence of others gives me ideas.

Right now, only one thing came to my mind. A common idea for those sorts of tense ambiance.

In the left corner of my room, I have a set of instrument. A guitar, a cello, a violin and a flute and so many more...

When I said I didn't knew mind magic, I was exaggerating. I know a little, but nothing helpful for the jackal situation, at least nothing to directly address the core problem. It's frustrating, but I'll have to do with what I have.

I slowly left my room. Eric was pacing the room, growing frustrated. His attempts at canceling the magical lock on the computer data were not successful. He was talking to Hanna, about our lead for a meeting of our targets. Apparently, a [masked ball] was being organized at a famous [party room] and they needed to find a way to be invited. In the belly of the beast...

A curious idea.

Hanna was half listening Eric, busy trying her best to understand the little she could read from the computer.

The two them, despite seeking to maintain a mask of coldness and calm, couldn't help but let slip once or twice their true feelings.

Hanna was deeply perturbed, and maybe a little scared by Seth. She couldn't help but think he had a connection and so many things seemed so strange. She never doubted his word, as there was sincerity in his confusion and despair. Still, something didn't had up, and she was troubled.

Eric was the most expressive. Despite the sincere kindness he displayed, he sometime, often during excessive usage of magic, let slip a little of him. This facet of him was much more doubtful of itself. It seemed like he was bottling up something, and made his best to forget it. And he succeeded from the look of it. As long as no one spoke too much of those "things" he kept, he was unaware of it for most of the time, even if it happened right in front of him. But since Seth bumped into our lives, he changed, and never have I ever saw him this much emotionally invested.

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