Well, this is my cue to leave.

My stomach slowly fills with agitation with each stride I make toward the stairway. I heavily make a single step down the huge staircase, but stop dead when I hear some shuffling behind the wooden door.

The noise ceases for a minute, making me stand frozen in place and wonder if it was my mind playing tricks on me.

A small shuffle erupts from that way again, so I quickly rush to attach my ear to the cold door, and notice the noise being followed by small, limping steps.

I manage to disengage my cheek from the door in time when it finally opens, as it almost hit my forehead. I instinctively hide the bottle of whiskey behind my back, trying my hardest to look sober by straightening my back and running a hand through my hair to make it more presentable.

I take a single step back when the door opens completely, revealing a completely gray-haired woman in her mid-eighties, wearing a floral-print nightgown and fuzzy slippers, the soft yellow light behind her revealing a small garden of plants and flowers.

"Good evening, miss." I try to hide my slur, remembering to keep a straight posture.

"Sugar, I'm afraid it's not evening anymore." She fixes her glasses, checking the numeral watch on her wrist. "It's 3:41 am, honey." She explains in a kind voice, her Southern accent being very prominent right now.

Oh. That explains why nobody was answering the door.

"Oh. I'm sorry, miss. I was wondering if you could tell me which apartment is Amber's," I slur, and don't miss the way she narrows her eyes at my bad act of sobriety.

"And who would you be?" She fixes her thick glasses once more to scan over my tall frame, letting out a confused hum.

"I'm H-her friend," I try to sound as polite as possible, only to earn a disapproving headshake from her.

"You're that Reece boy, aren't you?" She sighs, her Southern tone growing a little defensive, as she looks offended now that she supposedly knows my name.

Who the fuck is Reece?

"She's told me a lot of unpleasant things about you, Reece. I'm afraid you're not welcome here." She sighs heavily, and I open my mouth to interject, but she lifts her index finger in the air, silently telling me to let her finish. "She's almost done paying for that fool Brandon's bills, is that the reason you're here?"

What bills is she talking about?

"Dear Amber's got a good heart. I mean, she brings me butter cookies every week, and we solve crossword puzzles over tea together. So I'm practically begging you to not break darling's spirit again. She's barely back on her feet after what you did." She continues talking to me like I'm someone named Reece.

What the hell?

"Miss, I'm sorry, but I'm not Reece. My name's Harry." I watch her eyes light up at the mention of my name, almost as if she's been told a lot about me.

"Oh! My bad!" She giggles, and I notice her smile missing a tooth, explaining the small lisp she has in her voice, "It's the 13th door."

"Thank you so much! Have a nice... morning." I struggle to find the right words, as she mutters a small, "Lord have mercy," before flashing me a faux smile and closing the door right before my nose. I hear the lock on her door twist, as the same heavy steps get less and less audible, indicating her absence.

The 13th apartment.

I climb a staircase higher, and reach the 6th door, feeling out of breath already.

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