Chapter eight - Words To Live By

Start from the beginning

And another.

I kept on spinning around. Looking for any sign of humanity. 

Then they appeared.

People. If they could even be called that. There faces were mulled apart. Covered in dirt. And blood. Burns traced there skin.

"It's your fault."

"Your the reason were dead."

"What, what are you talking about?" I whispered.

They closed in on me.

"You will pay."

"It's your fault."

"It's your fault."

"It's your fault."

They kept on reapteing it. 

"Please no."

And then I screamed.

I shot up. Everything was a bleary. Tears streamed out my eyes. 

"Please no. It's not my fault."

I rocked on the bed. Trying to breath but I couldn't. My throat closed up. 

"Shhhhhhh. I'm right here Florence. Don't worry. Just breath."

Arms closed around me. I tried to get out. They cradled me in a chest. Mumbling to me. Comforting me.

Ten minutes later I was able to breath and I finally looked around to see where I was. My head was spinning. I could hardly remember last night.

When I looked around, I found the face of the person I hated most. Sirius Black. 

The room we were in had four double four postered beds. The walls were covered with muggle posters of bands like Queen and The Beatles. There was a record player in the corner and the floor was covered in clothes. 

The window was open and James sat smoking a cigarette out of it. Remus sat opposite me reading a book however, he looked up with a look of concern and worry on his face.

"What the fuck am I doing here with you three?" I screamed at them.

"Calm down princess. I'll explain once you sit down," James said to me with a smirk of his face.

"Fuck off you piece of shit. And wipe that smirk off your face."

"Oooooo, feisty princess."

"Piss off."

"Just sit down Flo."

"Don' tell me what to do otherwise you will find a knife in your chest. Capiche."

I didn't want to give him the satisfaction however I really wanted to know what had happened last night.

"Thank you. Last night, you were drunk off your arse and I walking down the when I found Rosier pushing himself on you. To put it lightly. I took you back here and you fell asleep," Remus informed.

"Bloody hell. I knew Rosier was a fucking bitch. Well, thanks I guess. But I better get going. People to see, wankers to stay away from."

I went to walk out the room when I felt Sirius pull me back on the bed.

"Nu uh Princess. We need to talk," he whispered in ear. His voice was deep and gravely. His arms were around my waist and I sat in his lap. I wanted to pull away but I couldn't. It was like my brain was saying something but my body was refusing to listen. I felt my whole body flush and I shivered. 

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