I throw an arm around the Prince and rub his shoulder lightly, "Have you ever thought of leaving? Like seriously leave and never come back"

Luke nods. "When we were in Wisteria, before the town square. I thought about taking you and-"

My heart skips a beat and Luke pulls away from our position together. "Why are you so... why me? Why me and not a woman"

Luke pauses. "Last time I complimented you, you held a knife to my throat"

I force a laugh and point to a rack on my wall. "See that? There's my belt, my dagger's in there so... fire away"

Luke laughs before he smiles at me. The smile weak and innocent with a sadness behind it. "You're funny, you're kind and honestly I don't know"

My lip pouts and I give him a look. "I'm just saying" He continues. "You're a good guy and I just think that- I think with my heart, not my head. My heart wants something, I go after it"

"So you don't know why?"

"I don't know" Luke forces a laugh. He gets up, places the picture frame back on the wall and huffs. "I should go" He mumbles.

"Wait Luke-"

"I'll see you at dinner" The sound of my door shutting behind him echos and I'm left alone.

God dammit.

"King Alexander, a pleasure" I nod, extending my hand for the king. I know he rathers Alex but other people are around and don't want to make an issue.

Alex shakes my hand and smirks. "So you're Carlos eh?"

"You've heard about me" I bite back a smile. He knows about me?

"Duh. With Luke it's always Carlos this or Carlos that. I pretty much only hear about you with him" The king whispers, winking as he takes a seat at the table.

I join Riley near the door and he smiles. "Hey" I whisper.

"Hey, Lucas was looking for you earlier. Seems like he found you"

I nod and sigh. "Yeah, I guess he did. I dunno, thinking of turning in early and getting a spare to cover my shift" I mumble, running a hand over my face.

"Yeah, I got things covered here till then. You go"

I smile and walk over to Luke where he's eating dinner. "Hey, I'm turning in for tonight, just letting you know"

Luke swallows his food and nods. "Yeah ok. Need anything?"

The king clears his throat and catches both of our attentions. "Lucas, that's his job. Private, please ignore my sons idiotic question"

"Of course sir" I nod, backing away. I see Luke staring at his father, that's when I know to back off.

"If something happens" I walk up to Riley, "You're obligated to tell me everything" He frantically nods in agreement as I walk out.

I change into some comfortable clothing for March and get going. I just want to go home, just spend a minute there.

It takes a little while but eventually, I get home. I take my keys and try to open the front door-

My heart stops when the door is already unlocked.

I hold my dagger tight against my side as I creek the door open. It's eerie in here to say the least.

The crisp air shivers my nerves due to the lack of- Why is the AC on?

Who the fuck turned the AC on?

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