Chapter23||Hazel Eyes

Start from the beginning

Moments later, the boarding is announced and I quickly get on my feet and shuffle across the floor where I enter the small walkway to enter the plane.

Instantly, when I step foot on the plane, I notice it is not for the general public. There weren't many people in here to solidify my conclusions.

Glossy floors, seemingly bronze in color with a long wide strip of red carpet that ran along the passage. There are also full white leather seats, two each on either side of the plane, and fine oak wood furnishings.

The plane seemed rather smaller than a regular public plane. This must be what you call a private jet.

Now in the middle of the jet, I try to scramble out of it, this is way too expensive and I'm not paying extra for this. I can't.

This must be a mistake. Just a few more steps until I reach the entrance door. I must've not been paying attention to where I was going but I collide with something solid.

Why the heck is there a wall right here?

Before I could register what was happening, I am flipped around and I realise I'm being dragged by my arm further into the jet.

Although the person's back was turned to me, I recognized the same built from earlier, even with a leather-covered back the same guy that bumped into me earlier.

"Hey! " I yell, trying to yank my arm from his grip. Which I have to admit was strong.

We stopped at the third row of seats where he urged me to sit in the corner. I stood there narrowing my eyes at him.

Who does this?

He only gave a neutral expression, blocking me in.

The heck?

"Move," I say through gritted teeth. I really felt like punching him, even though he might not even feel a thing, judging from his muscular build.

He only gave a slight smile before he spoke.

"Funny how we keep bumping into each other. " He took two steps towards me, leaving only a few inches away from my body.

"Now..." He angled his body over mine causing my knees to bend weakly. He then moved his face closer to mine, and his eyes darkened.

Revealing the golden specks that glistened in his eyes.

"Sit. " His hazel eyes locked with mine. I clumsily lose my balance, falling into the seat unexpectantly. His hand slightly brushes past my leg as he buckled me in.

I huffed as realization washed over me.

What just happened?

I narrowed my eyes at him as I watched him take his seat next to me and buckled himself in.

"Are you gonna stop staring now?" He chuckled lightly at me.

"The heck?" I spat. My eyes still narrowed at him. Oh, if only looks could kill.

He only let out an annoyed sigh. "We're about to take off. " He turned to me.

"Ssh." He had his finger over his lips in a childish manner.

I was speechless, did he just single-handedly force me to stay on this jet and shush me?

"I hope you know you are paying for this. " I seethed. Without even looking at me, he only chuckled lightly, shaking his head.

"Who do you even think you are? " I eyed him venomously, sending daggers with my glares.

"Well, I'm Ezekiel of course. " He turned to look at me.

"Ezekiel Stanley. " A playful smirk crept unto his lips, his gaze unwavering.

"Well, Ezekiel, you have quite the nerve for what u did, how could you do that, you don't even know anything about me. " I ranted to him.

"One, because I can, and two..." He paused, eyeing me for a second. " I know you alright. " He scoffed, then turned away.

"The heck you mean, you know me. " I eyed him questioningly. He didn't even acknowledge me, he only put on his headphones.

He must be one of them rich brats that think they can do whatever they want.

I rolled my eyes at him and decided to turn my focus on something more important, for now.

I had to think about where I was gonna go after I arrived in Russia. I'd just stay at a hotel for the time and then I'd have to find Jacob.

Undoubtedly, he'd be close to Markov if not already there.

I imagined how I'd bash in Markov's skull, and then I felt a smile slowly making its way onto my lips.

He'll definitely learn his lesson alright.

I take a glance at Ezekiel who still had his headphones on and his eyes were closed.

With that, I plug in my earphones as well and turn my gaze to the window.

The clouds resembled bundles of cotton against the blue and purplish hues that painted the sky.

I closed my eyes, drinking in the feeling of calmness.



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-Stay safe

~ Killerbeanqxeen

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