You ordered a Pepsi and April ordered lemon water. "You're a sweet tooth?" She asked. "Yup. If you ask me out again, I want our next date to be at a candy store." April raised her right eyebrow teasingly and rubbed her palms together, "Next date you say?" She grinned.



"I'll pay the bill Y/N." April looked at you and placed her card on top of yours. It was a nice platinum card, her name neatly engraved in it as well.
"No it's fine really." You nervously chuckled and put your card back on hers. April shook her head.
"I'll pay this one and you can pay for the next date." She negotiated. You finally agreed.
"So my place or yours?" You say. April widened her eyes.
"Madam this is the first date. Are you sure?" She chuckled and got up from her chair, picking up her clutch purse.
"I'm just messing with you." Joy had a glint of disappointment in her eyes. "Second date it might happen though..." You teased as the both of you left the restaurant.


You and Joy decided to part ways. She lived in an apartment in the city and you lived in the suburbs 35 minutes away. You finally arrived home but when you unlocked the door with your key, you noticed the door was already unlocked.
"... What?" You could feel your face heat up in panic as you walked into the house. You turned on the living room light, everything looked normal and in place but the aura in the house seemed haunting. You hang up your bag and your jacket and cautiously looked around. I don't feel safe, you thought, your heart beating faster with every careful step you took.
"I'll just stay at Shaunna's tonight." You exhaled and took out your phone.

"I'd rather have you stay with me instead." April chuckled as she walked down the stairs.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I thought you would stay at my place, it would've been sooo much more convenient to kill you there." She groaned as she dropped the heavy axe that was resting on her shoulders.
"The front door and backyard gate is bolted shut, so it's best if you go out to the forest." April snickered. She was still wearing her glasses, but her chic outfit half an hour ago was replaced with a white tank top drenched in blood, stained jeans and bloodied converse.
"You're fucking crazy! Who do you think I am April? Your prey?" You shouted as you reached for the pepper spray that was in your jacket.
"My name is Joy, darling. I think you understand why I went under a fake name." Joy smiled as she walked closer to you, not fazed by the pepper spray you were holding. "You have two choices, you run into the forest right now so we can play hide and seek," She shrugged,

"or I kidnap you and put you in my basement so I can kill you there."

You dashed outside of your house and into the backyard. Your house was fenced so you attempted to jump over it but failed since it was too high, leaving you with the only option. The broken fence that led to the forest. Before you tried to escape, you couldn't forget to screech "HELP!" before running away. You could hear Joy grunt's in anger fade away as you furiously try to run and find help, ignoring the loud crunching the leaves under your boots made.
"Y/N!!" Joy yelled playfully as she followed you through the woods. You panted as you pushed your legs farther, until you couldn't feel your lower body anymore. The adrenaline pumped in and out of your veins, making it able for you run extremely fast. She's really going to kill me. You looked back at her and she was right behind you, yet you ran so far. How?!
"Hold on Love, I'm coming!" You heard a knife unsheathe and you panicked so you tried to run faster but looking back at Joy caused you to lose your footing and end up tripping on a fallen tree branch.
"Damn. I didn't even need to throw my knife at you." Joy giggled as she kneeled behind you and stabbed you in the leg before you could get up and escape.
"I really wanted to torment you for a bit longer but... I'll guess I'll just do it after this selfie." Joy shifted her body so that she was sitting on top of you and whispered into your ear. An hour ago you would've liked what she said when the both of you were on a date but now? Not so much. "I'm going to make you look so good..." You could feel something pierce the back of your neck.
"What are you doing?" You groaned in pain as you could feel the sharp knife penetrating your neck harder. Soon the pain started to become unbearable so you started to scream loudly. You could feel your eyes rolling back as you start to black out. You were about to die in seconds.
"Don't you dare die on me, I still need to take this selfie." Joy cursed as she fully inserted the kitchen knife through your neck and pulled your hair back so you were facing the camera in front of you. She smiled brightly as she snapped multiple pictures of you and her together, in every angle possible while you were still conscious. Joy giggled as she turned the camera to show you all of the selfies she's taken.
"Fuck." Joy groaned as she dropped your head as soon as you finally lost consciousness. "Oh? She's still alive. Looks like I missed a vein." She said as she checked your pulse, you still had a small subtle heart beat.

Joy waited patiently as the printer started to print some papers. She spun around in her chair, facing the couch that was behind her.
"Mm. I'm glad you aren't dead to be honest." She commented as she puffed her cigarettes. "Seeing you so pathetic bleeding out on my couch makes me want to rip out that knife... and patch you up just so that I can stab you again..." You couldn't reply or move, the knife was still straight through your throat. Crazy bitch, you thought.
"I know what you're thinking. 'Oh Joy you left all these clues! You're going to get caught!'" She mocked in a high pitched voice. She got up to take the print from the printer. She beamed brightly once she saw what was on the paper and went over to you. "I've done this thousands of times before babe... I'm untouchable. They know that." Joy chuckled as she arrogantly waved the pictures that she took of you and her in front of your face.

It was terrifying looking at yourself with a knife in the middle of your throat while Joy smiled sinisterly in the selfie. Joy took the cigarette out of her mouth, "Hm... What to do now?" She wondered as she rotated the short cigarette between her thumb and her pointer finger. Instead of putting the cigarette on the ashtray, she put it on your skin instead. You winced, she smiled, pressing the cigarette in your arm harder.

"Let's get that nasty knife out of your throat." She sneered as she grabbed the blade with her bare hands.



After writing Pirate and the Princess for almost 2 years, it will be released in 2022!!! January or February, I'll make an official announcement soon so heads up!

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