"So what you're saying is that they're replenishing merchandise?" Norman asked as She nodded. "Yes, if this place is a farm, they must have a site where they prepare one-year-olds for replenishment." Y/n elaborated. "So did all of us come there originally?" Emma asked. "Probably. And also that Sister Krone. It's significant that there's another adult other than Mom." Ray answered Emma's question with one word. "There might be farms just like this one. So I wonder....are adults who obey the demons under the control of demons from birth? Or after they're captured." Y/n said out loud. "After we escape, things will change depending on that. But first we need to figure out how to escape with everyone. And the location of the tracking device." Ray said. "I searched all over my body, but I didn't find any traces of something implanted." Emma said as she checked all over her body. Suddenly Y/n stood up "Huh-" Emma looked at Y/n Who was standing with her headpiece on her neck "I have an unavoidable item on my agenda" she said while her hands were in her pocket as usual "What is it?" Emma asked "I'm going to the bathroom." Y/n said while looking at Emma which made everyone sweat drop while Y/n was running weirdly while shouting "I am not going to make it!" "That girl is surely an idiot.."  Ray said while sighing. "Certainly she is very hard to understand" Norman said while Emma nodded in agreement.

With Y/n:

Y/n's footsteps echoed through the abandoned hall that she walk in, as she hear Mama saying something from her head set, "I only made a request for an assistant. I didn't ask for you in particular." "I've heard talk of all your achievements. I've heard talk of all your achievements. Under your leadership, this plant has shipped more top-quality produce than any other. Under your leadership, this plant has shipped more top-quality produce than any other. I am honored to be working under someone I admire so much." Korne stated "The lip service won't be necessary. Let's quit the small talk. We have work to discuss. Here is all of the information on my adorable children. Memorize them right here and now. It should be easier than getting perfect scores on every morning test." Mama said which made Krone eyes slightly widen but then turned in to a smile. "So, what was the reason for calling me here?" Krone asked while reading the info on the children "They learned something they shouldn't have. They also saw what was inside the truck." Mama replied which made krone go in a state of panic "Then, in accordance with the rules, we must find them and ship them out imme-" Korne said but got cutten bye Mama "Wait. It's alright already have an idea of who the culprits are." "Who?" she asked "Two of the oldest children. All we need to do is make sure they don't escape before they're shipped out. My children are special. Specially Y/n..." Mama said "isn't she a special quality...." Korne said "Hmm? tell me sister Korne what do you know about the special quality merchandise" mama asked "Only that they have a special power which the plant calls gift or ability and they become the part of the plant by default" Korne replied "Very good sister Korne this is why my children are special and i am only doing it for the benefit of the plant" Mama said but suddenly a click sound was heard until the wall slide open (i don't know if it is canon or not but bare with me for the plot k)a and a shadow figure was reviled "Hello Isabelle and Korne" the shadow said "Ahh.. hello Akutagawa-san what brings you here without a notice" Mama asked as the shadow come to light reviling the face of Akutagawa "Oh.. i was hereto ask you about Y/n-san" he asked "Oh she is doing great" Mama replied "Akutagawa- sempai i have a -" Krone said but got interrupted by a certain brunettes voice "Ahh~ What did i miss~" which made both mama and krone flinch "Y/n what- how did you know we were here" Krone asked "Ahh~ your such a lovely lady krone i just thought we should keep in touch~" she said while walking towards Krone "It can't be?!" She yelled as she rummage through her pockets and pulled out a small microphone that She had slip in earlier when she was with her. "That means--you already seen through my plans even before any of this happened" She said as she clench her fist crushing the microphone. "Wait a minute how did you got that?" mama asked her "Aww~ Mama that's for me to know and you to only wonder~" Y/n said with a dark tone while walking towards a pile of paper which was about the info on the her 'siblings' "I will be taking that~" she cooed with a cheerful tone. Akutagawa heard what you said making him scowl while the black woman pulled out a knifes and putted it on her throat it at her "You really think we'll just let you go?" This made Akutagawa chuckle bitterly as he spoke to her "Let's leave her be, we'll Do it  another time. We will pay at you later for betraying us."" Well~ i will not say it as a betrayal~ I just left~" Y/n justified her self "But is it a formal declaration of war? If it is go ahead try it, if you really have to guts too~" Y/n continued. This made Akutagawa narrow his eyes at you two as Korne spoke clearly pissed off. "You think you can threaten us and joke around? You are a small scale 'operation' with only a few trikes. If we so wished it, we could wipe all of you off the face of the earth!" as she said angrily.

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