Y/n's Back Story

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(Before we start there will be spoilers so yea)

Mother's pov:

As we heard the commotion outside I quickly tried to pack all the essentials like food, clothes, drinks, baby food, first aid kit, diapers, bottles, and sleeping bags. While my husband and 7 year old daughter Y/n tried to calm down my babies. Before my family and I left I made sure to cast my spell on my children, this way if me or my husband were to do die my little girls would be safe. I'm sure Y/n will protect her younger sisters. "D/n! Y/n time to leave!"

Your pov:

As my dad grabbed my hand while carrying Mimi in his other arm and I carrying Kailey in mine, we quickly left home the place I spent my 7 years in, a place where happy memories were created. We rushed outside only to find many people running people getting stepped on others pushing each other to go faster. I was gripping my fathers hand tighter to make sure I didn't get trampled over or lost. "Y/n hand me Kailey it seems like you're having a rough time running and carrying her" my mother said behind me, I handed her over to my mother but doing so caused me to let go of my father's hand and I was pushed through the crowd and somehow ended up in the fairy king's forest "Mommy!!! Daddy!!! Where are you!!" I screamed hoping for an answer of course they wouldn't hear me there are other people screaming.

Father's pov:

I didn't feel Y/n's grip anymore when I turned to the side to see that she was gone, I turned around to see my wife carrying Kailey but no where near her was Y/n. "Honey where's Y/n?!?" I had a worried look on my face, my wife's eyes widened when she also realized our eldest daughter was gone "She must have gotten lost in the crowd when she handed me Kailey, what are we going to do?!?!" She said. There we were standing, not being able to run hoping Y/n would come to us. After a hour the crowd was gone and there they were, the ten commandments.
I handed Mimi over to my wife and stood infront of my family. Before I could say anything Melascula touched my chest and my soul left my body.

Mother's pov:

I was terrified as I witnessed my husbands soul being devoured by Melascula, without knowing tears ran down my cheeks.
"My, My that wasn't enough food guess I'll eat your soul and your children's soul" she said while her jaw now looked as that of a snake
I was shaking I couldn't move

"dammit M/n move! Move! Run protect your daughters!" I thought to myself yet nothing happened.
"It seems that she's a demon too but a weak one, let me devour her soul" Galand said beside Melascula. Galand started walking toward me, once we were face to face I finally was able to move and so I screamed
"Enchant!!" A purple shield covered my daughters and my body. Galand easily destroyed it though with blow of the force I was thrown to a nearby building. My daughters began to cry.
"Ugh, they're so annoying kill them already Galand!" Melascula said. Galand then once again appeared right infront of me, before he swung his weapon an image of Y/n appeared in my head and suddenly my daughters were gone and with that my body was slashed. "Keep them safe Y/n..." I thought to myself and took my final last breath.

Your pov:

In my arms Kailey and Mimi appeared. "Does that mean mommy and daddy died?..." I thought to myself I was beginning to cry and wandered around the forest there in the middle I saw an angel with white hair and pale skin, she was covered in a shield. "I need to help her get out of there!"
I ran over to the shield and laid my sisters on the ground. I punched the shield as hard as I could but it stung and I flew back a bit, I got up and walked towards my sisters and carried them. I walked towards the girl and whispered "I'm sorry...I'm sorry that i'm so useless..if I didn't get lost my parents wouldn't have worried and we could've been safe...i'm sorry I can't save you miss...i'm sorry..." I sobbed uncontrollably.

Just then a boy with yellow hair and green eyes arrived he was going to save her, "Mister be-" but before I could warn him it looked like his hands were being electrified. But he somehow was able to get her out and carried her bridal style.
"Mister are you alright?" He looked at me and flashed a big smile he ruffled my hair and said "yea that didn't hurt one bit"
I had sparkles in my eyes as I looked up to him "Really?! But it hurt when I tried it you must be super strong than!" He laughed and said
"What's your name? Mine is Meliodas", "Oh, my name is Y/n and these babies in my arms are my sisters the one in my left arm is Kailey and the one in the right is Mimi, they're young to talk though"
"It's nice to meet you but I have to get back to something you stay here with your sisters and protect them ok? And I'll protect you guys too" he had the biggest smile, I nodded and thought to myself
"Is this how it feels to have an older brother?.. He's amazing!" Just then the girl in his arms was awake and hugged him, she introduced herself as Elizabeth from the goddess clan, after that they left to fight the enemies

(Time skip)

Your pov:

Hours passed I started to loose hope that Meli and Elizabeth would come back.
Some hours passed and I heard rustling in the bushes, I jolted my head into the direction the noise was coming from and held my sisters close to me. Meli and Elizabeth walked through my face turned from serious to happy,

"Ellie, Meli you're back!" I got up and ran towards them "Meli? Where did that come from?" He chuckled, my face turned red from embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry I thought it was ok to use nicknames for you..i'm sorry.."
Ellie patted my head and said "Don't apologize, it's actually a rather cute nickname" she smiled and once again my eyes sparkled

(That's all for you backstory I hoped you enjoyed reading pls let me know if it was good!)

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