Eat Up

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       While Bucky was in the shower I heard a knock at the door. I opened it a bit and saw the redhead standing outside. She was holding a stack of what looked like clothes. 

      "It's okay. You can open up. I've just got your clothes." She assured. It wasn't very assuring. But I did open it a bit more so I can see her whole body. There was a soft smile on her face. Again why was she smiling? She held out the clothes but I didn't take them. I don't trust her. And it seemed she understood this. 

      "It's okay." She bent down and set the clothes on the floor and backed away. "I was like that too. You'll learn to trust eventually. Just take your time." She turned and walked away. After a bit, I picked up the clothes.  I quickly looked through them and saw that nothing was wrong with them. Just a simple t-shirt and leggings and pair of socks. I set my clothes on the bed and waited for Bucky to get out. 

      "I was like that too." She had said. What did that mean. Was she another female Winter Soldier? I was so deep in thought I didn't notice Bucky get out of the bathroom until he stood in front of me. 

      "You okay?" He was only wearing a towel, which was wrapped around his waist. I did my best to not look down. 

       "The redhead. Do we know her?"

       "Natasha? Uh, I'm not sure. why?" I shrugged, still looking up. 

      "I don't know. She just said something interesting. That she used to be like us." His brows furled with confusion. 

       "I guess...we'll have to ask her." I nodded and stood up. 

       "I guess so. My turn for the shower now." I walked in and shut the door behind me. The warmth from the shower was the best thing I've felt in a while. So different from the cold. I emerged from the shower and changed into the clothes Natasha gave me. They too were the best things I've felt in a while. They were soft and stretchy. Different from the fighting gear I was used to wearing. 

       I exited the bathroom and saw Bucky sitting on the bed. He was finally clothed, wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I noticed he still had the gloves he had taken to wearing on. I knew why he would wear them. I didn't ask but I knew. He doesn't want to scare anyone. I went over to the dresser and looked through it. I found a hoodie and put it on. It was very big on me. 

       "I'm pretty sure that's for me." I heard Bucky pipe up from the bed.

        "And I'm pretty sure you don't care." I pulled out another and tossed it to him. He caught it easily. "See. Now you have one too." He gave a small smile and put it on. 

         "Pardon for the intrusion but Captain Rogers wishes for me to tell you that dinner is ready." Jarvis informed us. I looked up at the ceiling. 

          "I'm never gonna get used to that." 

           "We'll Miss. Rogers. I'm afraid you're going to have to get used to a lot of things rather quickly." Jarvis said. "I'll do my best to help you. And so will the Avengers."

             "...Thank you." 

             "Of course. Now if you please make your way to the living room. They are expecting you." I looked at Bucky and saw the small fear in his eyes that I felt as well. I held out my hand and he took it. We walked out and made our way to the living room, with Jarvis's help. 

              When we walked in we saw about 8 people there. They were all gathered around a table that had food laid out on top of it. We hovered at the doorway, not knowing what to do and to scared to do anything. 

            "Captain Rogers, Sargent Barnes and Miss. Rogers has arrived." Suddenly the room became unnervingly quiet as everyone turned to look at us. Steve stood up and made his way over to us. There was a big smile on his face. 

           "You came! Good. Follow me. I'll show you were you can sit. Don't worry. I made sure to save you seats at the end of the table and next to each other." We followed him to our seats. Like he said, it was at the end, allowing us to see everyone and we had the wall behind us. Steve sat next to us on our right and Sam sat on our left. 

        "Avengers this is my best friend Bucky Barnes and this is my sister Y/n. Y/n, Bucky this is the Avengers. The one on Sam's left is obviously Natasha. Next to her is Clint also known as Hawkeye. The man next to me is Bruce Banner. The one next to him is Thor. And the two at the other end are Tony and Rhodey." 

         They all gave a wave or nod when pointed out. Again we just sat there, not knowing what to do. I noticed Sam lean in and my attention snapped to him. 

        "This is where you guys wave back." He said softly. Slowly I held up my hand and waved. I looked back at Sam and he nodded, telling me I did it correct. 

        "Feel free to serve yourself. It's just pizza. We didn't know what kind you liked so I got every kind." Tony said. I blink at him. Every kind? Pizza? 

        "Pizza?" Bucky pipped up. Clint and Tony's mouth both dropped open. 

        "You've never had pizza?!" Clint asked. We shook our heads. "We'll you're gonna have some today." He stood up and grabbed two plates and a piece of what must be pizza. He slid the plates to us and they stopped perfectly in front of us. We stared at our pizza. I looked up at Clint. 

      "How do you eat it?"

       "Like this." He picked it up with his hands and took a bite out of it. We copied him and everyone stared as we chewed. 

        "Well. What do you think?" Tony asked. I looked at Bucky to see what he thought.  He started to nod and I nodded with him. 

        "It's good." He said. I nodded in agreement. 

        "Just wait until you try a burger." Clint said. 

        "Oh please. Just wait until they try good Itailian food." Tony scoffed. 

        "Once they try your Itailian food they can have a taste of Asgardian food." Thor loudly announced. They all started to lightly bicker over what food we should have next. I felt a sense of...comfort wash over me and I relaxed for the first time in a while. I felt Bucky grab my hand under the table. I looked over at him and found him watching the scene with amusement. He looked over at me and I smiled at him. 

       I noticed movement out the corner of my eye and looked over to see Steve watching us. In my relaxed state, I gave him a small smile which he returned with a huge one. 

      Later that night Bucky and I went back to our room. We changed into our sleepwear and climbed into the bed. I quickly realized it's gonna take a lot of time to get used to the bed. It's very different from the tree and the cot back at Hydra. 

      Finally, after a lot of twisting and turning and trying to find the perfect spot, we settled down for the night. I stared at the ceiling in thought. I felt Bucky move and looked over to see him prop himself up on his elbow. 

     "What are you thinking about?" I smiled and hummed. 

      "I was thinking that we made the right decision. Coming here. Instead of running." Bucky hummed and laid his head on my chest. I chuckled and carded my hand through his long hair. 

       "Yeah. It's gonna take a bit to get used to. But...they seem nice." He yawned and closed his eyes. 

        "Yeah. I think we're gonna be okay." 

Hello peeps! This is where the main story will end! And when I say main I mean I plan on continuing this story but as funny little shenanagins Bucky and Y/n and possibly the Avengers get themselves into. So if your interested stick around and keep an eye out! Thank you for reading all the way to the end! Love you all!

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