3. I'd rather marry a goat

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"As if." She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"You applied, you won. Shouldn't you be happy?" He took another step closer, enough to brush her arm.

Emma felt shivers down her spine, same as she did when Alexander touched her. Except in this case, it was out of disgust. "I would rather starve than work for you, Daniel." She spat, slipping her arm away from his reach.

He laughed, amused. "Oh, come on, now, baby girl ... you can't let our old grudges spoil such an opportunity for you."

"I didn't know your father moved his company to New York."

"It's my company now, actually." Daniel corrected. "The old man kicked the bucket last year, so ... everything's mine now." He licked his lips, eyes on her. "You're still in time to reconsider that little offer I made last time ..."

"I'd rather marry a goat than you." She hissed, taking a couple of steps back, before he dared even think of touching her again. There weren't many people Emma Hudson loathed, but if she made a list, Daniel Larkin would be right on top, followed by her stepfather and her mother.

To think she'd once loved those brown eyes, to think she'd once desired nothing more than to remain in those arms forever. But maybe it'd just been the thrill of a forbidden relationship, the hype of the unknown, and the sense of freedom Daniel gave her. Stuck in a life of sufferance, her teen self naturally saw that rich college boy as the best chance to escape. However, following him had been the worst mistake of her life.

He laughed. "I love you, too, baby girl." He pinched her cheek, only to then laugh more when Emma slapped his hand away.

He was always like that, she reminisced, Daniel believed his money made him king of the world, entitled to everything and everyone. There had been a time when his cockiness had enthralled a younger Emma, but now she saw him for what he was: a spoiled rich brat that'd never learnt to care for anyone but himself. Every time he'd claimed to love her, she'd believed him, unaware of just how wrong she was. Daniel Larkin was in love with himself, there was no room for anybody else.

"I'm leaving." She spat, walking backwards a couple of steps. "And I sincerely hope you won't be stupid enough to start stalking me, Daniel."

He stuffed his hands in his pockets, scoffing. "You think a different name is enough to run away from your past? You're not gonna find another opportunity like this, why not take it?"

"Like I said, I'd rather starve than work for you." She spat.

He walked closer to her once again. "I keep offering you chances to live the great life you deserve, yet you keep on refusing." He shook his head in mock disappointment. "You should have married me years ago, baby girl, by now you'd be living in a mansion in Beverly Hills or wherever else you desired, able to afford each and every single whim without working a day in your life."

"Oh, I'm sure your dad would have so loved that." Emma scoffed.

"I told you his heart would give up eventually, you should have just resisted a little longer." Daniel shrugged.

She glared at him, gritting her teeth. "Your father sent me to prison for something you did, Daniel." She barked. "I paid the price on your behalf. You ruined my life."

"I ruined your life?" He laughed loudly. "I recall a girl clinging onto me for dear life and repeating over and over again how she would do anything for me, how she could not live without me." He mocked. "That night you chose to get drunk with me, Emma – nice choice for a name, by the way –, you chose to steal that car with me. I didn't force you."

"But you didn't even try to defend me when your father accused me!" She yelled, getting in his face now, her anger seeping through after years of repressing it. "You let him manipulate the odds against me." Emma's jaw clenched as she stood one mere inch away from him. "Where was the guy that claimed to love me to the moon and back? Where was he when I needed him the most?"

"I tried." Daniel muttered, humor leaving its place for the slightest hint of regret. "He didn't listen."

"Guess you didn't try hard enough." She scoffed, taking a step back. "Forget you saw me," she walked to the door again, "money might make you powerful, but you know better than to cross me."

A faint smile crept up on his lips. "There she is, the Allison I know. Fierce and proud, badass and unapologetic."

"It's Emma." She corrected, glaring. "Emma Hudson."

"Emma, Allison ... still sounds nice paired with Larkin." Daniel winked. "Think about it, baby girl, my door's always open for you."

"Fuck off, Daniel." She growled, slamming the door on the way out. As she stormed out of the waiting room, uncaring of the puzzled looks from the other candidates, Emma muttered curses under her breath.

Every time, she told herself, every single time she tried to make something of the cards an unforgiving fate had dealt her, she was pushed back. Why did she bother trying to give her life a direction when it was so clear that there was no way out of her misery? Why did she even bother fighting?

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