PART 1: Chapter 1: Someone New

Start from the beginning

Because of this whole madness, they went and asked the Monster People if they felt that Last died. They all said almost the same thing: it's not dead, it's still there. That raised a lot of question marks. What actually happened? Maybe that kid didn't actually die? Maybe she joined The Unmasked? That would be catastrophic. Everyone could be in danger. They needed to find out where and who has Last.

Mika continued school to become a professional Fighter. This was an absolute must. It is the last day of school of her 4th year and something of course has to happen. A woman came in and asked "Is Maki here?" and she raised her hand and looked her in the eyes.

"Yes, that's me," and then she signed Mika to follow her.

"You're called to the Council. They want to have a talk with you,"

Everyone fell back.

"What?" Mika asked them.

"We're sorry Maki," they said.

"What for?" she sighed.

"For what might happen," they said and Mika facepalmed then went with the woman, no fear.


What the Council wants

They reached the World's Council island Shou that was in the middle of the Ocean Peace.

"I brought the girl," said the woman she came with.

"Alright, go in," the man in front of the door told her. She stepped in a big room and saw some of The Owls and The Frogs staying around the room.

"So, what'd I come here for?" Mika asked.

"You are a professional Fighter starting today, Maki," one of them said.

"Huh? How come?" she asked confused.

"Well, you have a big ocular power in you and you reached a very high level, you could even take level 1 missions if you wanted to!" exclaimed one.

"Yeah, let's not do that. Thanks, is that all?" Mika asked wanting to leave.

"Yes. Tell The Cats' higher ups about this and you can start going on missions. Here are also some information you might need to know now that you're a Fighter," someone said and handed her a lot of papers.

"Read them now and then you can leave," they told her and she nodded and started to read.

"Nothing new huh...The same things about The Unmasked that I figured out on my own and the fact that the 6 Monster People shouldn't be together at any cost. I've heard this too many time I'm starting to get sick of it. Wow, emotions. Calm down now, this isn't a good moment," Mika thought.

"Done," she said and handed back the papers.

"Well that was pretty quick," one said.

"Yes. Shall I leave now?" Mika asked.

"Not yet. We called you here for your first Task as well. Take care of this child named Charlotte," a girl came from behind.

"H-hello..." she said quietly and Maki nodded and hummed.

"She's a year younger than you, yet she is very strong and we don't know anything about how she ended up being an orphan, where or who were her parents, if she had any siblings etcetera

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"She's a year younger than you, yet she is very strong and we don't know anything about how she ended up being an orphan, where or who were her parents, if she had any siblings etcetera. She doesn't know much either, so I want you two to take care of each other until we discover something," someone said.

"Alright. Let's go," she said and left with Charlotte. "Why me..." she wined in her head.



She was nice. She wasn't a picky eater and helped around with whatever she could, like cleaning and sometimes cooking simple food. Plus, she would always ask permission to use stuff around the house, even things that Mika said to be Charlotte's.

The kid saw her as an older sister, though Mika was pretty much numb and she couldn't feel that Charlotte was attached to her, so she didn't really care, but Charlotte still loved her as family.

There was something that Mika and Charlotte would do every night before going to sleep: talk. Talk about what Charlotte remembers, if she did. She would write down, during the day, if any memory popped up in her head so that she wouldn't forget it and then at night she would show it to Mika.

Mika always thanked her and apologised if she made her uncomfortable which made Charlotte happier than usual, even though Mika would say that just because that's what she heard was being polite.

At the end of the month Mika had to send a report on what she found out, but she just said nothing, because she wanted to keep to herself, knowing that the Council most likely didn't want her to get too deep in her case and neither involved with the Moster People.

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