she will, won't she?

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okay so ive decided that they won't be going to exactly manali, because ive never been there and i cannot write exactly about it🤡. i thought ill see manali vlogs and read about it but hahahahaha, i don't know how to manage time. nvm, itll be a hillstation, of course but ill describe the scenes my way. ill name the place as kurwapur, somewhere in the north where it snows, has beautiful sunrise and sunsets, also clouds; rivers and streams and mountains and pine trees and cliffs and everything you can think about.


Anurag looked at his parents from the auditorium's building waved at his parents with a huge smile on his face. There were chirpings and hootings everywhere, cause why not, IT WAS FINALLY THE NIGHT OF DEPARTURE! IT WAS NIGHT WHEN THE TRIP WOULD START.

There were people who were jumping, talking. The school auditorium ground was filled with chatters even when there were only 35 students going, including three teachers and the principal. Some were recording videos/ vlogs, some were on video calls with their friends who were not going, some were just simply talking. The parents were, mostly the moms were fussing about how the kid might have forgotten to pack specific items, and dads giving advice on dos and donts. The principal smiled at at the scene and pacified the couple, saying the kid is responsible enough to manage himself, while the embarrassment of being scolded in front of the principal made the kid red. The principal, who strict yet sweet, ruffled the hair of the grade 8th kid and sent him to his friends, and again talked to parents. Also, Sahil was super excited because Rishika was going too. So that red on his cheeks is due to cold or.... uhmmm? *smirks*.

Students gathered around the teacher when it was time to leave, and called out the names.

"Mannat Khurrana?" she called but got no answer. It was eight thirty. Charlie, Sahil, Romi, Siddarth, Lakshya and Vaibhav and Shikha looked around. Anurag went out and saw the main gate. It was open and saw some parents leaving.

There was not even a whisper that could tell where Mannat was.

"Ma'am I'll call her" Charlie said and dialled. The bell rang but no response. Sahil tried and then Romi.

"Ma'am she isn't receiving the call" Shikha informed. Ramayta maam tensed and looked at the principal. "Call at her home" said the principal.

"Ma'am her mom isn't receiving the call either. Uncle too" Charlie informed.

"We'll wait for her till it's time to depart. She'll come by then I'm sure" she smiles and gestures Ramayta ma'aam.

Fifteen minutes it is, Anurag checks his wrist watch and thinks then takes out his phone.

"where are you shortcake? its time to leave" he messages her on Instagram. Siddarth and others come around for a picture to post on social media, and he smiles half heartedly, his eyes on every person entering the auditorium.

Sent 5 minutes ago.
Sent 10 minutes ago.
Sent 12 minutes ago.
Sent 23 minutes ago.

"Everyone move to the assembly area. It's the time" Principal announced and everybody clapped and hooted. Everyone moved down, but the friends were still looking at the entry gate for that one girl who was going to miss everything. Where was that idiot?

"I called her in the afternoon. She said that her grandmother got ill again but its all fine now. She said she'll make it tonight. I wonder where's she?" Romi told and Anurag hears it while climbing up the bus.

Why was his heart heavy all of a sudden?

Anurag sat inside the bus, on the last seat and looked out. The school looked beautiful. Everyone was excited. They would be now going to the railway station. Siddarth, Lakshy, Vaibhav, Kartik, Ahmad, all of his friends sat near him. But his eyes were strained on the assembly area. His heartbeat was fast, throat parched, skin cold and brain unconsciously praying for her one glance.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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