Todoroki is a Girl?!

Start from the beginning

"He'll be fine!"

These were the worried shouts he heard the closer he got, and even he couldn't mask his concern. Just as he landed behind the group of students he heard Shoji's calm voice echo through the fear.

"He's breathing again. It's quiet, but he is."

"What happened?" he asked, walking through the crowd.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Mina exclaimed with relief. "We cornered the villain but she used her quirk!"

"None of us know what it was but it made Todoroki start to suffocate!" Uraraka added.

"Shoji said he is okay now, ribbit. But he's still unconscious." Tsuyu finished.

"Hm. We'll get him to the hospital then, alongside any of you with injuries that need checking out." Aizawa began to instruct everyone on what to do and where to go, either to the hospital, to the police, or to any evacuated civilians; trying his best to remain calm, he went with Shoji to the nearest medic who was quick to assess Todoroki's state.

"He has no other perceived injuries, but his lungs might be a little weak for a few days. You're lucky you erased that villain's quirk on time, Eraserhead."

"Hm. Can you tell me what the quirk is?"

"I can't tell right now." the doctor replied with a shake of the head. "But I can take a blood sample and let you know by tomorrow. He will have to stay overnight at the hospital for observation in case the quirk has any secondary effects."

"Then do that. Thankyou. I'll visit once the rest of the students are back at UA."

The doctor nodded and prepared to take Todoroki to the hospital, Aizawa returning to his students and almost forcing the reluctant ones to get back to the dorms for the evening. He had to assure Deku about ten times that Todoroki was in stable condition before the boy even moved from his spot.


Todoroki felt different. He could tell from the moment he woke up. It wasn't the fatigue from a heavy fight, that feeling was almost second nature at this point, he instead felt almost out of place. Everything felt off. His arms felt lighter but his chest heavier, even his head felt different. It was beginning to freak him out, he didn't need anymore disfigurements on his body: his burning red scar on his face being enough.

After he felt stable he pushed himself up to a sitting position, eyes scrunching when something ticklish fell into his face. He pushed it away, only for it to fall back a moment later. A second attempt was more successful, but know he was alarmed at the long red and white strands of hair in his palm.

"Oh, you're awake."


Why did his voice sound like that? It was higher pitched, almost... feminine. He frowned, trying to put the puzzle pieces together in his head. It was only when he looked down and saw the odd way his clothes fit did it click. His head whipped over to the nurse that had entered the room.

"Hello Todoroki, please don't be so alarmed."

"I'm a girl." Todoroki deadpanned. "I'm not a girl."

"It seems to be the villain's quirk: Gender Swap." the nurse explained whilst she handed him a cup of water and some painkillers. "Your teacher is on his way and can explain more then. I'll give you a few minutes to adjust to your new body and then we'll do some health checks, okay?"

Too stunned to reply, Todoroki resumed looking at his new body. There was still the definition of his toned muscles, but they blended into more feminine curves instead. He quickly searched for some sort of mirror, finding his phone and opening up the camera app instead. 

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