Chapter 16 Team fights.

Start from the beginning

Y/N:"Okay, everyone, listen up."

My friends turn to me, listening carefully. Even Ryuko was interested on my plans.

Y/N:"Momo, create some night vision googles."


Y/N:"I have a plan. Tokoyami, how much can you control Dark shadow in the dark?"

Tokoyami:"As long as it's not pitch black, I'll be fine."


Momo:"It's finished."

She gave everyone some googles.

Y/N:"Cool. Let's reinforce this place before they can enter. Tsuyu, go towards a window, and look outside for the heroes, try to get as much information as you can. Then, close them, try to stop the light from entering the building as much as you can. Take this."

I gave her an earpiece I had from the last game. I created two more, and gave them to Tokoyami and Momo. Tsuyu placed it on her ear, and went outside the room we were in.

Y/N:"Momo, go and reinforce some of the entrances. That way, they'll have to make sound if they want to enter the building."

Momo:"On it."

Y/N:"Tokoyami, find the electricity switch. Turn it off. You will be our front liner."

Tokoyami:"Got it."

All of them went outside, doing the tasks I told them. Ryuko was smiling.

After some minutes, Tsuyu talked through the earpiece.

Tsuyu:"Y/N, I found them, Kero."

Y/N:"You recognize them?"

Tsuyu:"Yes, Tetsutetsu, Monoma, and Kendo. The last one is a boy. He has white hair, and pure black skin."

Y/N:"Good. Tokoyami, you think you can bend metal?"

Tokoyami:"With the amount of darkness here, I can bend titanium if you want to."

Y/N:"Good. You will have to face both Tetsutetsu and Kendo. Ignore Neita unless she copies those two quirks. Momo, how are the entrances?"

Momo:"I reinforced the back doors, but I didn't have time to reinforce the front."

Y/N:"No problem. Tokoyami, go to the front. Stop them, make them lose time and knock some of them out if possible. Momo, assist him. Tsuyu, lurk in the shadows on the back doors."

Team 4:"Roger!"

They all did as I told them. Whenever we have to so something together, I quickly assumed the role of a leader. My friends didn't care in the slightest about it, since I always made good plans.


Present Mic:"Time's up! The game can begin!"

Y/N:"Everyone, get ready."

I turn the lights off on my room, and stayed close to Ryuko, to always make sure she is there. After 1 entire minute, I hear a loud boom.

Tokoyami:"The front door has been breached, and we have a problem."


Tokoyami:"It seems the other dude can use the shadows to move around the place."

Y/N:"That's bad. Momo, Tsuyu, be some dears and light up some rooms randomly."


Y/N:"If he can't go there with his quirk, he will more likely think we are there. He is an scout, not a fighter."

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