一 : from strangers pt 1

67 3 0


year 2024
lowercase intended
[not proofread unfortunately]


school. one of the many few things that i dislike. don't get me wrong, i love learning, i really do but it's just the kids at my school so fake and materialistic, the more money you have the more popular and "liked" you are.

moving to a new school added onto that, especially a private one.

fixing my navy blue tie and hair whilst standing infront of my mirror making sure I looked okay in my uniform.

my mom came into my room with a bento in her hands smiling at me, "it's your first day at a new school since that happened. aren't you excited?"

i shrugged in response, my face giving it away that I wasn't as excited as my mom thought i would be.

"mom, i don't see why i can't just do homeschooling or online schooling." [in japanese] i whined to her as her smile from before turned into a frown.

"chris, you need to socialize. you can't keep isolating yourself, i know it will be hard but over time you'll feel better," [japanese] she took a deep breath, "so promise me that you'll at least make one friend, one friend is all you need." [japanese] she said holding out her pinky finger.

sighing with a heavy heart, I spoke "okay mama, i promise i will try." [japanese]


walking to the front office with my headphones on my head listening to the soft music to compliment the sun beams entering the building. i stopped by the front desk to greet and get my schedule.

"hi ma'am," i said with a smile which she returned and raising her eyebrows as an indication for me to continue. "i'm a new student; christopher nakamura."

"oh yes! we were expecting you soon so here's your time-table and all your lesson plans for your classes," she said as she handed me a paper. "your class representative will guide you for today as you both have the same classes together." as she said that a boy with hazelnut eyes and dark brown locs walked in, wearing his uniform neatly.

"good morning, you must be christopher?" He greeted with the most charming smile i'd seen. sticking out his hand for me to shake, which I accepted quickly. his handshake was firm, managed to keep eye contact.

"yes, i am and you must be..." i grinned, slightly tilting my head to the side, i trailed off hoping for him to finish the sentence.

"marcus, marcus gray."

how he spoke came off slightly seductive as his grip from my hand slowly loosened up, "we should get going i'll show you around for a little while, show you everything is and things like that. bye mrs.b."

he waved as he put his arm around my shoulder, causing me to stiffen up a bit. i tired hiding it but he noticed and removed his arm. "let's show you around now."

after a little back-and-forth conversation as we toured around the campus. we made it to our class for the first period, "oh yes, you can sit next to me if you'd like? for all of our classes together of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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