"Only because she is pregnant" Drishti said

"Yeah. Whatever"

They bid a bye and hung up the call.

"So?" Shravan asked as he sat next to her.

"Imagine yourself married to Kiara instead of me, if I hadn't come at right time and saved you?" Drishti asked cheekily.

"If you haven't noticed, without your interference, there would still have been the groom selected by the committee and I wouldn't have come into the picture" Shravan said, kissing her pouty face.

"Yeah whatever"

"Let's hope atleast the pregnancy goes smoothly" Shravan said

"As per what Siddhu said, they have always been fighting. I wonder how they found time to make a baby" Drishti wondered out loud making Shravan laugh.

"Maybe we should wonder about us making a baby" Shravan said

"But you said you don't want us to have a baby until I finish my course" Drishti said

"True. But we can always practice" Shravan said cheekily and kissed her on her mouth.


One week later

"Okay. Which one should I apply?" Drishti asked showing Shravan two lipsticks

Shravan frowned looking at the both.

"They both are red. Aren't they?" Shravan asked

"Yes. They both are red. But this is crimson red and this one is cherry red" Drishti said pointing at the two.

"How does that matter. Red is just red" Shravan said, buttoning up his shirt.

"No way. Red is not just red. There are different shades of red. Like apple red, garnet red, scarlet red, wine red, blood red, merlot red...."

"Okay okay. That's enough. Go for the cherry one" Shravan said chosing a random one off handedly.

"Oh! But wouldn't crimson red look better on me?" Drishti said

Shravan took in a deep breath to control his annoyance. There is no point in arguing with her.

"Yeah. When you mention, I think crimson red would look better on you" Shravan said pasting a smile on his face.

"I knew it. You have a good choice Shravan Maheswari" Drishti said with a grin and went back to getting ready for the dinner.


"Isn't that Mithran?" Drishti said pointing at the couple getting into the car, outside the restaurant.

"Yes. Who is that woman with him?" Shravan asked himself with a slight frown.

"Whoever she is, Man!! Does she know about fashion" Drishti said, impressed with the woman's style.

"Come on. Let's get in. I'm starving" Shravan said and placed his hand at her lower back and guided her inside.

As they waited for their order to come, Drishti's phone pinged with yet another mail from VK's manager.

Drishti deleted the mail, without opening it.

She didn't tell Shravan about her meet up with VK. If she tell him, then she would have to tell what VK wanted. Which would inturn bring up the most controversial topic between them.

D Love.

There is no way she will do anything to break up the happy bubble they are living in now.

"Drishti? All good?" Shravan asked seeing the frown on Drishti's face.

"Yeah of course" Drishti said with a smile.

"Why do I get a feel that you are hiding something from me?" Shravan asked

Drishti chuckled nervously

"Hide? Why would I hide something from you?" Drishti asked with a shrug

"I don't know. You tell me" Shravan said

"There is nothing like that. You are just over thinking" Drishti said.

She was saved from further grueling by a phone call from Anjana Agnihotri.

"Hey aunty. How's Chennai?" Drishti asked as soon as she picked up the call.

The older Agnihotri couple had gone to Chennai two days ago, for a change of scene after their elder son moved out. Currently they are staying with some friends there.

"All good here. Are you home Drishti?" Anjana asked

"Amma. Dinner is served." Drishti heard the voice of a young girl from the other side of the phone.

"Who is that aunty?" Drishti asked

"That is Vaiga. Remember, I mentioned her once" Anjana said

"Yeah. I remember. We are out for dinner aunty" Drishti said answering her previous query.

"Oh. Can you please check on Siddhu on your way back home? He is having fever, I think" Anjana said in worry.

"Fever? He was all good when we met in the morning" Drishti said with a frown.

"I don't know Drishti. He started going down in the afternoon. He could barely speak when I called him a little ago" Anjana said

"I will check on him aunty. Don't worry" Drishti said and hung up.

"Whats the matter?" Shravan asked

"Siddhu is sick. Let me order a vegetable soup for him"


Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now