Chapter 3

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Izuku's POV

I took a deep breath and released it. "You aren't my mother. You never were. I rather be with my older brother." I growled. "Awww, he'll leave you also, just you wait." Inko said. I growled and shook my head. "NO HE WON'T! HE WON'T LEAVE ME LIKE MY CHILDHOOD FRIEND AND YOU DID! HE WON'T HURT ME LIKE THE BULLIES IN MIDDLE SCHOOL DID, LIKE YOU DID! HE WON'T TELL ME TO END MY LIFE! HE WON'T BE LIKE YOU AND NOT ALLOW ME TO EAT! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I said, out of breath and tears streamed down my face.

Aizawa hugged me tightly. "I want you out of my class, Inko." I was shaking by this point and crying into Aizawa's chest. Inko left and soon fell asleep out of exhaustion but when I woke up I wasn't in the infirmary. "Mmm~ T-Tenko?" I called softly. I heard someone walk in and went to the furthest corner, hiding.

The person walked closer and I saw red eyes and white hair. "Izu? It's okay, come here." I heard the reassuring voice of my dad. I stood up and ran to him, hugging him tightly and sniffling. "Shh, it'll be okay Izu." My dad said, wrapping his arms around me. "I-I'm scared..." I said. "Shh, I know. I know." Dad said.

Someone else walked in and closed the door, coming over and seeing me. "Izu!" Tenko said. "T-Tenko...d-did someone t-tell y-y-you w-what h-happened...?" I asked. "Shh, take your time Izu. What do you mean though?" Dad asked. "About a special guest coming to the school, yes. But, that was it." Tenko said. "...M-Mom..." My breath hitched. "Mom was at the school? She was the special guest?" He asked. I just nodded.

"S-She said t-that y-you'll e-eventually l-leave...s-s-so I-I yelled....a l-lot.." I mumbled. "That explains the panic/anxiety attack then." Dad said. "Aizawa and the class is worried about you baby bro, do you want to go to school today?" Tenko asked. "Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari, and Momo are staying here for a bit." I nodded. "S-Sure...I'll go..." I said. "Alright. Call or text if something happens and Shinso is also in your class so when he sees you, he'll watch over you for a while."

I nodded and got teleported to the school. with my stuff, seeing a comfort bear that looked like each one of the LOV. Everyone added their own design to it and it made me slightly smile. 'A warning next time please Papa..' I thought to myself. I sighed and heard the bell for the end of class and saw Shinso, rushing to him and hugged him. "Huh? Oh, hey Izu. Are you feeling better?" Shinso asked. "I don't know myself...I want to die but I don't at the same time..." I said.

"That's understandable." Shinso said. "Lets go eat something, okay?" I nodded and we walked to the canteen. "You really worried everyone. Especially Bakugou." I perked and looked at him. "Its true. He wouldn't come out of his room at his house according to his mother. He's back but it still worried people as well." Shinso said a few minutes after we sat down and started eating. "Kacchan should feel guilty." I said.

"Oh, I agree. 100%. But, the others don't really know." Shinso said. "Hey, let's go see the teachers. They've been trying to control dadzawa." I smiled and nodded. "Alright..." I said and stood up with Shinso and we walked to the teachers lounge, knocking on the door. "Go away." Aizawa said. "M-Mr Aizawa?" I tried. The door opened instantly and Aizawa hugged me.

"Problem child, are you okay?" He asked. "....Y-Yea!" I smiled. "You hesitated." He said. "I-I'm okay S-Sensei..." I said. "Alright, if you're sure. Come on, class is about to start." I and Shinso nodded. "No training for you for a while problem child." I nodded and we all walked to class. "How long was I gone...?" I asked. "Just for 2, almost 3 weeks." Aizawa said as I nodded.

We walked in and everyone immediately came over to me. "Go back to your seats. No one is to bother Midoriya. The only ones who can is Shinso and I." Sensei said. I smiled and sat by Shinso. When the class started, I got worried glances and got my comfort bear out. Aizawa saw what I was doing and glared at the students.

"What part of no one is to bother Midoriya did you guys not get?" He asked with an angry tone as I clutched the bear to me. "He feels trapped and got this bear to help him calm down. "It's a comfort bear, as far as we know, he isn't a little." Shinso said.

"I don't want to trigger anything but, how much trauma has Deku-Kun gone through?" I stiffened and clutched the bear more. "That's too personal." Aizawa said. I loosened my grip some and felt tired, starting to sleep.

When I woke up again, class was over. I hummed and put my stuff away then remembered my bear. 'W-Where is it....?!' I asked myself, starting to freak out. I saw Kacchan walk in and I looked at him. "Kacchan! Where is it?!" I frantically asked. "That stupid ass bear? Shinso has it."

I packed the rest of my things quickly and went to Shinso's room, knocking. He opened the door and saw how freaked out I was and quickly handed me the bear, sighing in relief when I calmed down. "I'm sorry Izu, I just didn't want Katsuki to take it." I smiled and nodded. "It's o-okay." I smiled.

Later, I was in my room when Kacchan came and snatched the bear from me. "WHAT THE HELL DEKU! IT'S A DOLL! IT ISN'T ALIVE! QUIT HOLDING ONTO IT LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT AND GROW THE FUCKING HELL UP!" Kacchan said as he used his quirk and completely destroyed the bear. I got tears in my eyes and started to freak out again, now having no comfort as Kacchan walked out of my dorm, slamming the door shut.

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