Mason had obviously taken that into account and kept his tone open and soft.

"We?" Evie asked. She was silent and Angelina knew that her baby sister was looking right at her. She could feel it.

"You're safe now Evie. I promise you that. Angelina has been relentless in trying to find you. She'll be glad to know you're awake." Mason informed quietly in a voice just above a whisper.

"You found me." Evie's voice cracked with emotion. "I-I didn't think anyone would."

Her confession hurt.

And reassured her.

Angelina opened her eyes.

It was the first time in a while she had seen Evie in weeks. She wished they reunited in better circumstances but she thanked the Moon Goddess that her baby sister still had a beating heart in her chest.

Her sister was unaware that she was awake because she had planted the heels of her palms against her eyes, bawling quietly. She sounded so wrecked, her shoulders trembled with each tear that was lost.

"Evie. Don't. Stop crying." Angelina leaned over the bed, wrapping her hands around Evie's shoulders.

How long had it been since she last embraced her sister?

She was instantly ashamed she hadn't been more affectionate with her.

If anything, Evie's cries increased until she was left gasping for breath.

"You're okay. You're okay." Angelina repeated, stroking her hair.

"I-I'm so s-sorry."

"There's nothing to be sorry for Evie. You were taken. The people responsible will be dealt with. I'll take care of them. No one does this to you. No one." Angelina fiercely stated. "If they harm you, they harm me. Don't you know that already?"

This only made Evie cry harder.

Angelina shared a worried look with Mason. She didn't know what to do with a fragile, sobbing Evie. She was so used to only seeing the Evie who seemed to be carefree and confident. She never thought she would open herself like this to anyone, including her.

Evie dug her fingers into Angelina's elbows. "You don't get it."

Angelina swallowed hard. She didn't understand Evie. When it came to her, she never could get it quite right. She felt inadequate that Evie was safe but she couldn't offer the reassurance she craved or needed. Rosie was better at doing the whole nurturing and motherly thing. Angelina was not. Whenever Evie needed comfort, soft reassurances, and hugs, she fell into Rosie's arms.

Angelina couldn't navigate her way with Evie. She didn't have that natural soothing touch Rosie carried.

Evie slowly stopped crying until her voice was hoarse. When Angelina pulled away, Evie was blinking up at her with a pink nose, splotchy red cheeks, and swollen eyes.

"You still don't get it." Evie whispered, running her shaky fingers through her tangled locks, avoiding her gaze.

Angelina fought against the hurt her words caused. She kept a smile on her face, despite wanting to leave the room. Even if Evie didn't think she was offering her enough comfort or whatever it may be, she needed to stay a little longer until she knew for certain that Evie was truly fine.

She felt that Mason had gone stiff beside her. He held himself so incredibly still, she wondered what was on his mind.

"You must be hungry. I can make something for you-"

"Explain." Mason spoke over Angelina, his eyes hard on Evie. Angelina felt her brows crinkle. His voice had been abrupt. No one could misinterpret the censure in his tone. Where had the hostility come from? She was left slack jawed as Mason remained perfectly poised, waiting for a reply.

Evie paused, then blinked at the surly man at her side. She flinched away from his expression when the intensity remained. "W-what?"

"Explain what you mean by 'you still don't get it.'"

Oh shit.

Mason looked like he was ready to throw hands.

"I don't-"

"From what I can see, your sister Angelina has done more than what you can expect in finding you. She came here to this Pack willingly in search for clues to find you. Do you think she ever got a good night's rest? No. Never. She had never given up, even when she had been thrown in the dungeons and faced regrettably unsavoury encounters with members in the Pack."


"Eris pretty much threw her to the wolves sending her here. I knew it the moment he had the suitcases in his hands."

Angelina's breathing slowed. What was he saying?

"I knew the moment that son-of-a-bitch held those luggage in his hand, he didn't expect much would happen. I knew he assumed we would deal with her if you know what I mean. Right then, I knew that man didn't deserve a single pearl of thought. If he could just give away a Pack member like that to someone he considered an enemy, he proved himself to be anything but rubbish. I don't have time for mouths and actions that only communicate disloyalty."

"I have nothing but love for my sister." Evie spoke up, her voice timid. "Pure love, the type that just doesn't fade away."

"I find that hard to believe." Mason replied curtly.

Angelina placed her hand over Mason's one, stroking her thumb over his taut knuckles from clenching his fists. "You don't need to speak for me Mason. It's okay."

"Then who will speak for you?" Mason squeezed her hand.

Angelina couldn't find her voice.

She was too stunned.

Even her thoughts had stilled. She was drawing a complete blank just from the look in Mason's face. She realised that he was defending her with a protective streak she wasn't sure when he picked up. It took her extra seconds to decipher that he was being protective over her. Her. There was no mistaking it as he still held her hand, moving his body in a way that clearly stated that he would place himself in front of a threat for her.

Evie noticed the Mason's protectiveness.

She too was struck silent by it.

When her brain resumed working, Angelina felt herself melt.

The warm feeling in her chest expanded as she regarded Mason closely. His jaw flexed as he squeezed her hand once more before he stood. He was so damn tall. Before he departed, he gave one hard look in Evie's direction. She visibly shrank beneath the burn of those green and brown eyes. "You owe your sister more than what you give her. She's important to me. I won't stand for anyone, even so-called sisters to make her feel like shit."

Mason looked down at her, his expression unreadable as he gave a small head nod and left.

Angelina watched him leave, her heart pumping hard in her chest.

She heard her sister whisper a small sound of awe.

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