💜Part Five💜

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You looked up to see a man, and you quickly figured that he was the one that had entered the store not too long before you had been knocked over. Quite frankly, your position reminded you of what had happened when Aaron had knocked you over back on campus.

"Oh dear," he let out an apologetic laugh as he bent down to help you. "I'm so sorry!" he swiftly, and gently ushered you back to your feet.

He appeared to be a fairly tall man, but not too tall that his height appeared overbearing. He wore a long jacket over the rest of his clothes, so you couldn't make a detailed analysis of what exactly he was wearing, but you could tell that he wore a red shirt beneath his jacket, and that he wore black trousers. He had short hair, and a cap over his head, paired with sunglasses that concealed his eyes. He also appeared to have a mustache, but something about it didn't look quite right.

Nevertheless, he was very kind to have helped you to your feet so eagerly, and he was very apologetic about bumping into you so abruptly.

"No, it's alright," you gave him a genuine smile as you got to your feet, your hand still in his. His hands were rather large, but definitely not in a bad way.

If anything, they were extremely gentle, a trait that you found yourself instantly drawn to.

"There's no need to worry, really," you added.

He smiled, but he seemed to stare at you for a moment longer than you had anticipated, almost as if he didn't really want to end your encounter right there. There was something about his eyes that you thought you recognized.

"I take it you're either a musician, or a lover of music," he commented softly, earning a giggle from you.

"I could be both," you shrugged, your gaze drifting back to the lines of finely packaged records. "It's just...so wonderful," you smiled to yourself.

"Are you...new here?" he inquired, putting his hands behind his back, as though he were getting comfortable talking to you.

"What makes you ask that?" you raised an eyebrow. "Do I really look like I haven't been around here before?"

A chuckle escaped his lips as he contemplated his answer, eventually deciding on a playful one. "You seem more as though you could be from another planet," he grinned. "But only because you're probably the most beautiful girl I've ever come across," he continued with a charming smile. "You have this...inner glow about you,"

Though he was evidently flirting in a lighthearted manner, you couldn't help but feel flustered. To hide this, you rolled your eyes and released a laugh.

"Do you say that to every girl you bump into?" you asked playfully.

"You're most likely not going to believe me, but no - you're the first," he replied smoothly. "I'll admit, I wish you would allow me a chance to talk with you for a bit longer...but that depends on how wary you are of strangers," the way he said that last word, it struck you in a way that you couldn't even understand.

Instantly, you recalled what had been written on the paper that Nina had given you, and you pondered on whether this particular stranger could have been a potential murderer - aiming to make you his next target. Of course, you wouldn't actually die, but it would cut your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity short.

However, there was just something about his eyes that you felt you recognized, a glimmer that you were certain you had seen before.

The familiarity of it all outweighed your sense of caution, so with a tentative, yet suggestive smile, you gave the still nameless man your response.

"Well...coincidentally, I haven't really been in this area before...so perhaps you could...show me around - take me to see the best sights," you redirected your gaze toward him, watching his own eyes light up.

"Then today really is my lucky day," he bit his lip, pausing for a second. "I would like to know, though, if you aren't from around here...where are you from?"

"You don't need to know that, trust me," you waved the question off. "What you might need to know is exactly the thing I need to know as well," you giggled again. "A name,"

"Oh, right!" his eyes widened when he realized that he hadn't introduced himself yet. "Uh...." he trailed off, studying you for a brief moment before speaking again. "You can just call me...Mike," he cleared his throat.

Your already wide smile grew even wider as you extended your hand. "Well, Mike, I'm (Y/N), and it's a pleasure to meet you," you introduced.

An unreadable, positive wave of emotion washed over his face, a mixture of awe and relief, even though it wasn't too clear. With a sincere smirk visible on his face, he took your hand, surprising you when he brought it up to his lips to kiss the back of it.

What a gentleman.

"The pleasure is all mine," he brought his eyes back to yours as he released your hand.

His gaze, though, hastily shifted toward a distant spot that seemed to rest outside of the store that you both were in. It looked as though he had directed his line of sight toward something, or someone outside - a materialization he could see through the large glass window behind you.

"Is everything...alright?" the rest of your question trailed off as you turned your head to see what he had been looking at, your eyes only able to catch the glimpse of a man wearing a black suit, his form skillfully disappearing behind a vehicle as soon as you spotted him.

Just like that, he had managed to vanish from sight. You turned back to look at Mike with a frown, but you were once again met with those gentle, familiar eyes that stopped you from asking the questions you were prepared to fire just a few seconds prior.

"So," he spoke up again, steering the silence in another direction before you had time to inquire again. "Where would you like me to take you first?"

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