💜Part Two💜

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Deciding that you had wanted to find out what Aaron might have wished to propose, you decided to wait for him in the cafe that he had mentioned. Though an hour seemed like an awful long time to wait on your own, you bided the time finishing up on an essay that was due the week after. To your delight, the cafe wasn't too crowded, so you'd had the perfect space to work in whilst you sipped on an ice-coffee.

At present moment, an exact hour had just gone by, and after checking the time, you reckoned Aaron would be at the cafe within the next twenty minutes, taking into account the time it would take to move from one end of the campus to the other.

But you'd received quite the surprise when you saw him practically burst into the cafe, with a girl by his side. At first, you assumed that they hadn't known each other, and that perhaps they had merely entered the cafe together - but you soon realized that that wasn't the case.

The girl appeared younger, looking as though she might still have been in high school.

Aaron's eyes spotted you, and as he rushed toward you, he more or less commanded the other girl to follow him. From his tone, you immediately guessed that she was his sister. She just had to be.

"(Y/N)," he smiled as you close your laptop, directing your attention to both him and the girl. "I was hoping you'd decide to be here,"

"I figured you had to pay me some sort of compensation for knocking me over," you joked, returning his smile with your own.

Gradually, your eyes darted to the girl that was standing beside him, making you aware of the fact that she was staring at you - but more so as though she were admiring your features.

"This is my sister, Nina," he let out a breath, slowly moving to sit down across from you. "I hope you don't mind....but I had to call her, because she owns the game,"

As Nina waved at you politely, and sat down herself, you frowned a little at Aaron's words.

"I'm sorry...game?" you bit your lip, confused.

"Yeah, that's what I wanted to tell you about," his eyes sparkled so much that you began to grow anxious.

"You're really pretty," Nina suddenly remarked, smiling at you in awe. "I think you're going to leave Michael heartbroken,"

Aaron turned to glare at her, only causing your disoriented state to turn even more complex.

"Wait...what?" you huffed out in exasperation.

"Okay, this is going to sound...really crazy," Aaron redirected his attention to you. "But...you're a fan of Michael, right?"

"No, I used to be," you replied. "But now I'm an airconditioner,"

"Oh my goodness, yes, I like her already!" Nina burst into laughter, making you do the same.

Aaron gave his younger sister another glare, making her go quiet again, but not before she stuck her tongue out at him.

"Well...then you're going to be a completely different person when I tell you about the game Nina owns," he continued, his statement serving as a cue for Nina to open her schoolbag, which you hadn't noticed until now.

"What sort of...game is this?" you narrowed your eyes.

"One that will change your life forever...except this time it's not false advertising...not for the sole version that Nina owns," he explained as Nina placed a medium sized black box on the table.

It appeared to be of similar structure to a hard-drive, only more chunky. A single cable slot sat in the middle of one of the sides, making it seem all the more peculiar.

Quite frankly, it looked like a poorly crafted imitation of something that already existed.

"Right..." you were now becoming skeptical.

"Okay, when I tell you this, it's going to sound crazy, but you've got to trust me," he commanded your focus again.

"Whenever people say that, it's never anything good," you gulped.

"If you've ever wanted to meet Michael, then whatever I'm going to tell you is one hell of a good thing,"

Those words struck a chord within you, making you freeze. There was no doubt about the fact that you had always wished you'd have had the chance to meet Michael, a desire that had come a lifetime too late. Perhaps if you'd been born in a different time, you'd have been able to meet the man whose creativity you had fallen so deeply in love with. Many were the nights where you watched online videos of his live concerts, a part of you hurting at the harsh reality of the fact that you could never truly be present at such a concert that other generations had had the sweet chance to enjoy. Sure, life went on, but there was still a part of you that lived in a time you didn't even know.

So naturally, you were left dumbfounded by Aaron's words. You couldn't tell whether he was mocking you, or being genuine.

"Nina found this box, seven months ago...it was supposed to be discarded in the trash for disposal...but she ended up getting hold of it because it looked...intriguing-"

"It looked strange as hell, so obviously I snatched it," Nina cut in with a snicker. "It's supposed to be broken...and it is, but it's not really that simple," she quickly took over the conversation, but at this point, Aaron didn't appear too annoyed - mainly because she had interrupted for a constructive reason. "I've....met Michael, through this box,"

"Alright, I get it," you scoffed, shaking your head in astonishment. "This is some sort of prank, right? Well it isn't funny," you prepared to pack your things, but Nina reached out to grab your hand.

"No, I'm serious," her expression became more sincere. "Listen, (Y/N)...right?" she paused, hoping that she had pronounced your name correctly, continuing after you confirmed that she had done so. "I know you don't believe me, and I don't have a way to prove that it works because it can only be used once. After my turn, it never worked again for me...no matter how hard I tried. Ever since then, it has been of no use, but I have kept it close because....because it gave me an opportunity that was too special to just forget. (Y/N), I met my idol, I spoke with him, I hugged him - I got to see what a day in his life was like....all because of this thing that I still can't understand," she nodded to the box. "But even if it was just once, it was...amazing. I've never told anyone because no one would believe me, but Aaron's seen it for himself too - because we played it together,"

"I was skeptical at first," Aaron added. "But it blew my mind, and I have never been the same,"

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