home is where i lay my head

Start from the beginning

He's about halfway through the second episode when the tablets kick in, making him let out a sigh of relief and he gulps on his coffee while laughing at Joey and Chandler's new dilemma.

He decides to go out after he's microwaved a Rustler's chicken burger (because let's face it; he kicks a ball around for a living, not learning how to cook). He slips into his black jeans that he knows for a fact drives the boys' nuts and a grey vest, pulling on his black and white Vans. He doesn't bother with his hair, it just falls into place now and grabs his keys and wallet.

Luckily, the paps' seem to be stalking someone else today, so Louis hops into his silver Mercedes Benz undisturbed and smiles as the car purrs to life. The sound of U2's new album blares through the speaker system and Louis turns it off with a groan.

Ever since he'd woken up to having it downloaded onto his phone without him knowing by Apple, Niall has been obsessed with it, playing it on repeat with every chance he gets. It's annoying the hell out of Louis. He flicks through his music before settling on the Bon Jovi Greatest Hits album, singing along as Jon sings.

"SHOT THROUGH THE HEART, AND YOU'RE TO BLAME, DARLIN' YOU GIVE LOVE A BAD NAME!" Louis speeds out of the gates closing off his home and checks the rear-view mirror to check the gates are closing behind him. There automatic, but it doesn't hurt to check. Satisfied, he bobs his head along to the catchy tune and beat that's vibrating the car.

He pulls up at the traffic light and taps his fingers on the steering wheel, glancing around him. He notices something moving out of the corner of his eye, and he turns his head and rolls down the window, waving at the little boy that seems to have spotted him.

He's got longish tuffs of blonde hair, brown eyes and chubby cheeks. He grins happily at Louis, looking star-struck.

"Hi, there!" He says, turning down the music.

The kid giggles, the sound making Louis' heart melt. "Hi!" He has an American accent. The mum leans over into view.

"Hello! Cameron is such a huge fan, he loves you, has posters of you on his walls and has your jersey," Louis eyes the red striped shirt he's currently wearing. "He never takes it off," she adds, ruffling his hair.

"Well, it's nice to meet such a dedicated little fan, you're pretty cool, you know that?"

He watches as Cameron claps his hands together with glee. "Thank you, Mr Tomlinson!"

Louis checks the lights and is delighted to see that they are still red. "So polite, I love it! And call me Louis, Mr Tomlinson makes me sound old." Cameron nods his head giggling.

"How long are you in the UK for?" He asks.

"Another month, we have family over hear," the mum explains, eyes twinkling as she glances at her son.

Louis quickly looks around, spotting a small café hidden next to a large New Look shop. From where he is, there doesn't seem to be anybody in there. It is perfect.

"Well, if you aren't busy, we could grab a coffee over there? I'd love to get to know you, Cameron." Cameron whips his head towards his mum so fast, Louis is surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"Please mommy, please, please, please!" He starts bouncing up and down in his seat, tugging on the sleeves of her shirt. His accent's so adorable! He watches as she looks down at her watch, pursing her lips.

"I suppose we can spare a half hour, but we've got to be at an appointment soon, sorry,"

Louis shrugs, "It's fine; I've got training at one, anyway," He checks his watch, noting that it's already twelve and that he needs to set off for the grounds soon if he doesn't want coach to rip his balls off. The lights turn green and Louis turns left, towards the dingy café. Cameron's mum follows behind him.

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