Cute things you two do

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He'd let you play with his hair and style it. And You'd let him steal your food. He tries to be sneaky but you always see him you just pretend not to notcie

You'd kiss his scar on his stomach and trace his dragon tattoo on his head. He'd hold your hand and put it up to his face for some reason. You never knew why but when you ask him he just says that it's warm.

You two would feed and name the stray cats that come to his room. You'd also try baking cookies or brownies and bring them to Toman. You had you good and bads with the baked sweets.

You two would make fun of or annoy Souta (Angry) Together and make him actually mad to the point where he leaves so that way you two can have alone time together.

You two like jumping Nohaya (Smiley) sometimes lol. You'd catch him off guard or wait till yes not paying attention to attack. When he's not home or when you two don't feel like getting your asses best you'd wrap up in a blanket or blanket's together while you sleep, cuddle or watch something.

You two would annoy Kisaki to the max. You enjoy doing this Together because it's like having two Hanma's when only one is already a huge handfull and it annoys the fuck out of Kisaki.

You like to try on clothes he makes. Like you own little fashion show. And his sister's and your sibling(s) would be the judges and the audience. It's not only cute but fun, you enjoy yourselves alot.

You play with Peke J together. After Peke J gets tired of you two you'd cut on music and sing and dance together. You cook and eat together too.

You like to hold each other while your cuddling under the blanket. You both cling onto each other tightly afraid to let go, you'd be like two peas in a pod together it's adorable.

You'd just do each other's hair while talking. After that you walk around the city together and get ice cream or a snack. Something small and simple but worth of time since you both enjoy each other's company.

You two would just ride around on your motorcycle while blasting your favorite songs. You'd ride around randomly And stop to get food on the way to or from your destination

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