Then Ty voiced the question he had been wondering about for a while now. Every since Paige Ashdown had called him stupid.

"What's wrong with me?"


That's what had led them to be here - standing in a washed out room infront of a plain oak wood door.

"Ready?" Kit asked him. Kit had arranged for a group therapy session. He had said it would be good to meet others Ty could relate to.

"Others like me?" Ty had asked, "Other shadowhunters?"

"No," Kit said with a smile, " people with autism, kids with autism." Ty frowned, confused.

"But we don't know if that's true or not."

"Well I figure we'll need someone else's opinion on that. A professionals opinion."

"Over a 15 year old's?" Ty questioned.


Ty reached for the doorknob, but hesitated.

"But the law? Sed lex dura lex." Kit smirked,

"Lex mulla, lex nulla." Ty smiled back, and pushed open the door.

They had called before hand and explained the situation to the therapist, well, a version of the truth that did not involve faeries, demons, and angels. Kit had done most of the talking.

What he'd said, Ty listening in, was that Ty was from a not very 'out-there' community and hadn't been diagnosed yet. He also didn't know anyone else who was autistic. Kit had also explained that he was Ty's boyfriend and would also be attending the therapy session as Ty's support. (They had agreed to that prior to the phone call.) Kit had made sure this was unnigotiable. Ty agreed. He wouldn't go if Kit couldn't come with him. And Kit wouldn't like it if Ty went there himself.

When Ty had been hesitant about going Kit had said: "If you don't go I'll go!" Ty had frowned and said, "Isn't the group for people with autism. You don't have autism. Do you?" Kit had thrown his head back and laughed.

"No, I don't. But I still would go.  And you don't need to either, but I think you should. It might help you."

"Will you come if I go?" Ty had asked taking Kit's hands between his, tracing patterns on his skin.

"Yes." Kit had said simply.

But apparently Kit was still self-conscious about coming. Something Ty realized when Kit paused in the doorway, fiddling with his ring. A Blackthorn ring.

"You're sure you want me to come? I don't need to go if you don't want me to."

Ty nodded firmly, "You're coming." Kit squared his jaw and smiled. Walking into the room.

"We have two new people joining us today. This is Ty and his boyfriend Kit." A lady, supposedly the therapist introduced them to a group of 4 people.

The lady had brown hair tied up into a bun, a few grey hairs, and was wearing a orange baggy t-shirt with dark blue jeans. She was perhaps about 54 and smiled a lot judging from the beginnings of smile lines at the corners of her eyes. She was also a mother, Ty was able to deduce from the varicose veins showing on her ankles. Judging from her weight and age it was unlikely she had them for any other reason.

The other kids were all about his age, 16 to 18, he looked to be the oldest person there. There were two girls and two boys. Not counting the therapist.

"Are they both autistic?" One girl asked raising her hand.

"Abby you don't need to raise your hand," the therapist said, Abby dropped her hand but still looked at the therapist expectantly.

"You'll have to ask them that question." The girl turned to Kit and Ty.

"I'm not diagnosed," Ty said, "Kit's not autistic."

"Then why's he here?" The other girl asked.

"Because I want him to be." Ty answered simply, sitting down and pulling Kit down with him. Kit leaned against Ty's chair, for some reason always preferring the ground to a chair.

"Well," said the therapist, "I think we should all introduce ourselves. We'll start with our names then say what we like to do. Abby, you start."

"I like horses. Ridding them." Abby said.

The other girl went next, "I am Rebecca, and I like to learn different languages."

The boy with brown hair went next, "Jacob, baking."

The other boy, small with olive skin didn't acknowledge Ty.

"And this is Will, he likes to study rocks." The therapist said with a smile.

"He doesn't talk." Rebecca added helpfully.

"Your turn Ty." The therapist said.

"You already said my name." Ty pointed out. The therapist nodded,

"So what do you like to do?"

"I like looking at bugs and animals. I also like computers." Ty looked at Kit,

"Can Kit go too?" The Therapist smiled,

"Kit can go too, yes." Kit gulped audibly when all eyes turned to him.

"Uh, You guys already know my name's Kit. And I uh, I like hunting." Ty laughed. Kit was one of the only people who could make him laugh.

The therapist smiled at Kit, "That's great! I'm Miss. Hill. And I like talking to you guys."


"What did you think?" Kit asked once they had walked back to the Institute. Ty considered the question while he un-laced his shoes and placed them in the correct place: the far right corner of the front closet.

"I liked it." He said finally, walking into the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of milk.

"Really!" Kit asked, smiling. Ty stared at him questionably.

"That's what I said."

"I mean: that's great, Ty!" Kit smile grew. He hesitated.

"Can- can I hug you?" Ty nodded. Firm arms wrapped around him and Ty buried his head in Kit's shoulder. Breathing in the familiar scent.

"I love you," Kit whispered, "and I'm so glad you liked the therapy." Ty broke away to put his glass in the sink.

"I would still like to get a diagnosis however. Do you know how I would be able to do that?" He asked. Turning around to face Kit again.

"I don't know," Kit said, scratching the back of his head, "but I'm sure we'll figure it out."


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I hope you liked this chapter, I'll try to update soon!

I'm sorry for any mistakes in the writing or in the characters I tried to stick to what I gathered of their personalities. Tell me if I did something wrong please! Thanks!

Until next time,


Published: September 2nd 2021

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