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According to Kit, Ty had Autism. He, himself, had never heard of the term but once Kit brought it up Ty had done some research:

"Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain development that impacts how a person perceives and socializes with others, causing problems in social interaction and communication."
-Mayo Clinic

It had been a bad month, the idea of any sort of physical touch repulsed Ty. Even from Kit. Something neither was accustomed to. Ty had locked himself in his bedroom for two weeks, refusing to come out because of the noise and the lights.

Kit had taken up his regular position when this happened, his back against the door where he would read.

Julian and Emma were away on Clave business Octavian had gone with them and Dru was at the Academy visiting with friends. So it was just Kit and Ty at the Los Angeles Institute.

Finally Ty had gone on a walk with Kit. Where everything that had been building up exploded. At least, that's what Kit had said after Ty had tried to explain it.

They had chosen a bad time to go for a walk, there were too many people. Kit had been keeping a careful distance from Ty, mindful that he didn't want to be touched. One man bumped into Ty, not seeing the two glamoured shadowhunters. Ty flinched, hard enough to end up on his knees.

A woman was jogging, she tripped over Ty. She stumbled and kept going but Ty, reacting to the touch curled further into a ball.

He remembered that Kit had tried to keep clam. He had removed his glamour rune and had stood in front of Ty. Asking people to go around him.

When the large crowd had disspersed Kit had knelt done.

"Can I touch you Ty?" He had nodded mutely. He couldn't talk.

"Okay, I'm going to wrap an arm around your waist. Then I'm going to get you standing." Kit said, walking Ty through their actions.

Once they were standing Kit continued, still quietly, "Can you walk?" Ty didn't answer.

"We can just sit here too. Do you want to do that?"

Ty shook his head then croaked: "I can walk."

They hadn't made it too far from the institute, no more then a street. And soon Kit was shoving open the door and leading Ty up the stairs.

Ty felt himself relax when they entered his room. Kit sat him down on the bed and immediately grabbed Ty his favourite sweatshirt. He gave it to Ty as the taller boy changed.

Feeling calmer now in his dark room. Ty tried to smile, but he really just moved his mouth.

"What do you want me to do?" Kit asked, perching himself on the edge of the bed. "I can go if you want." Ty shook his head.

"Can you sleep with me?" Kit's face was red but he nodded. He lay down on his back, Ty following soon after. They lay like that, until Ty turned over, seeking physical contact from the boy he loved.

He wrapped a arm around Kit's waist, drawing him closer, savoring the warm body heat.

"Can I rub your back?" Kit asked, still cautious about Ty's space. Ty nodded into the croak of Kit's neck.

He felt slow circles on his lower back. Kit's nimble fingers.

They lay like for a while, an hour or so, until Ty lifted his head, having calmed down enough to talk.

He found Kit already staring at him, Ty's eyes traced over Kit's jawline.

He was smiling at Ty. That happy sort of smile that Ty liked seeing on Kit. There had been a time when Kit didn't smile like that. During the war. When they had all almost died. But now he smiled like that almost everyday. 

Kitty being Kitty (Kit×Ty stuff)Where stories live. Discover now