Man, it was colder than you'd expected. You shoved your hands deep inside your pockets and hurried down the road. You kept looking over your shoulder, paranoid that someone would follow you even in that godawful outfit, or even worse, paranoid to see Harry chase after you barefoot and in his pajamas.

Finally at the store, you were faced with the bright neon lights of shame. Yeah, the very bored cashier had probably seen it all, but still you felt bad to end your 2 weeks like that.

Cigarettes and lighter paid for, you realized you couldn't just smoke in the backyard as you'd originally planned, where you knew for a fact there were no motion activated lights from last time, but still, you were not willing to risk it. So on top of being the freak that you were at 4am in that same godawful outfit, you were going to be smoking on the way back as well.

You were freezing, but you paced yourself, lighting the cigarette and savoring the first drag. Darn, you'd missed that. Queue the guilt. But still... darn.

2 smokes in and you were ready to crash into bed. Yeah, it'd been just what you'd needed, the cold air, the adrenaline, everything, and now it was hitting you hard. You needed to be in bed and asleep ASAP.

You just had to make it back through the window, past those pesky motion activated lights and you were good to go. You were probably gonna sleep wearing those two hoodies, the cold had really settled into your bones and you were just too beat to even bother changing back into what you'd originally gone to bed in. Plus the room had probably cooled down considerably having left the window ajar like that.

You rushed inside the best you could, struggling a bit to climb over, the window was definitely not making it any easier, and you let out a huge sigh of relief as your feet finally hit the carpeted floor.

You turned around to close and secure the window just as the outdoor lights went out, and before you could turn back around again a huge hand covered your mouth "Be quiet!"

Your mind barely registered Harry's hushed voice, your panicked panting drowning out everything around you. He turned you around to face him, gesturing for you to keep quiet as he removed his hand, a stern look on his face that you could barely make out in the dark.

"Fuck!" you yelped quietly "You scared the crap out of me!" you pulled away, a hand to your chest as you pulled your beanie off with the other, leaving behind a mess of frizzy hair that clung onto it.

"I scared you?!" Harry whisper-shouted at you "How do you think I felt when the outside lights went off and I peeked out the window only to see what looked like a homeless bum running for his life?"

"You were supposed to be asleep!" you whisper-shouted back, a bit hurt at his homeless bum remark although you knew it was absolutely legit

Harry ran his hand over his face impatiently "Y/N! What could've possibly prompted you to do that! I specifically told you I'd be right there if you needed me!"

You gulped. He was actually really angry with you. Shit, you really hadn't thought this through, had you? He was more than serious, fuming even, and you were terrified and at the same time... extremely turned on. What was wrong with you!

It was the adrenaline, you told yourself.

"I asked you a question!" he snapped, his voice a bit louder this time.

Your gaze lowered to the ground, and you saw his bare foot stomping the carpet frantically. He was really holding back, but damn, you'd fucked up. He was right to be mad at you. "I'm sorry" you whispered, barely audible.

"Sorry's not good enough! You really had me worried, Y/N! I came in here to check and see if you were ok, only to find you were missing! I didn't know what happened! Didn't know if that was you running off or someone else, hell, it even crossed my mind that maybe you were kidnapped or something!" you could see from the corner of your eyes that he was running his hands through his disheveled hair, he'd also started pacing in front of you as he spoke. Meanwhile you could only feel yourself getting smaller and smaller.

Daddy issues // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now