Chapter 27

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Silva's POV

I was on my office, studying a case when my phone rang.

I checked and found a call from my girlfriend. "Hey honey." I told her putting my papers down.

"Hey love. How is your day going?" She asked me using her playful voice.

"Like usual. I am studying a case and getting ready for a surgery I have in a couple of days. Now how is your day going? You sound a little happier that you use to do." I told her leaning back on my chair. I am guessing this has something to do with Alex and I want to know everything.

"Well, I had a moment with her, actually more that one but it is like the universe doesn't want us to be together. We got interrupted three times. And one of them was about our divorce." She said through the phone and it was like i could see the pout on her face.

"I am sorry to hear that baby. I know you don't want a divorce. To be honest I don't want you guys to get a divorce either." I told her.

"I know you don't love. By the way Alex is coming there. They have an appointment with a doctor there. She might be a little mad because I was teasing her. Please make sure she is not going to do something crazy or bad and make the situation worse." She told me sounding guilty.

"I knew you did something to her. I am going to find her and take care of it. I can also give my professional opinion about the baby." I said standing up from my chair and making my way towards the ob department.

"That is great love. Thank you. I love you and make sure to come home soon. I have the day off and I am already bored." She said pouting again which made me chuckle.

We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. After some minutes I managed to find the doctor that Alex and Eleanor had an appointment with.

As I was standing outside of the doctor's office, I heard a conversation that was a little weird so I stood there to hear more.

"So this is what you have to do." I heard a familiar voice say and wanted to know more.

"Eleanor I can't lie about something like that." I heard the doctor say trying to reason with the woman that turned out to be Eleanor.

"You will do as I say or else you know what is going to happen." Is she threatening the doctor. Who the fuck does she think she is. And what is it that she wants to do?

"I can't tell her that you are having her baby. You are not even pregnant Eleanor. I am pretty sure she will figure it out in the next five months tops." What the fuck? That lying bitch. She is  playing all of us. Especially Alex. I am going to end her. The doctor better not do what she wants.

"Do you think I am stupid? I know that. Until then I will make sure that she actually gets me pregnant. If it happens in the next month you will tell her that the baby came late. If i don't get pregnant you will tell her i had a miscarriage. After we get married of course." Yeah, like I am going to let her fuck you... This is a terrible plan and she is an even more terrible person.

"Eleanor this is crazy!" The doctor said again and I couldn't agree more.

"I don't care about your opinion. You will do what I said. Am I clear?"  That moment I took my phone out and started recording.

"Why are you doing this?" The doctor asked her avoiding her question obviously.

"Because I love her. I have to protect her from the sluts she has on her house. They are going to use her for her money and power. I am in love with her and I have to help her see that she is in love with me too without the other to hoes getting on my way. Plus she does have a lot of money and she is like super sexy. I have to have her." Eleanor said and I tried really hard not to get in there that exact moment and break her face.

I mean I was going to but a hand stopped me from entering. I turned around to find an angry looking Alex.

"Go home." She told me and I was going to protest when she took my phone and stopped recording. I wanted to tell her what I heard but before I could she talked again. "I know. Now go home and calm down." She told me and I did what I was told.

I am glad she stopped me from making a scene. I don't want to get in trouble in my work place. I have a name and a reputation to contain.

So I went home. Although I really wanted to break that bitch's face.

Alex's POV

I heard what Eleanor said to the doctor about me. To say I was pissed was an understatement.

But to be honest I was also a little relieved. Scratch that, it wasn't  a little. It was like I was twenty pounds lighter.

Now let's handle it right.

I knocked on the door and I heard whisper before a 'come in'.

I did enter the room to find a smiling Eleanor and an uncomfortable looking doctor. 

I smiled. "Hi. I am Alex." I shook hands with the doctor introducing myself. 

After that the the doctor started doing the things she would normally do during a pregnancy examination.

The two women were making small talk and stuff like that while I was fighting the urge that was inside me to break everything.

After the exam was done the doctor congratulated us about our healthy baby and other bullshit like that while she was obviously fighting to contain the smile on her face. She clearly didn't want to do this.

Eleanor on the other hand seemed excited about the baby. The imaginary baby that she came up with to make me marry her.

Man, some women are crazy!!!

After we finished with the 'doctor's appointment' we left and I took her hand in mine leading her towards my car.

I opened the door for her and all. I was a real gentlewoman. She just kept playing her game.

After a while she saw that I wasn't going home and asked me. "Where are we going baby?" With a smile on her face. I really wanted to smack that smile off her face, she is lucky I don't do that stuff.

"I am paying a visit to your father. I have some trush he left at my home." I said not even looking at her which confused her.

When we got where Williams was staying I got out of the car and went on the other side to open her fucking door. I pulled her out of the car a little to hard to be honest.

"Alex what is going on?" She asked me looking so confused.

"Don't worry about it. I just need to have a talk with your father."

When I saw Williams he looked as confused as his daughter.

"Did you know?" I asked him.

"Know about what?" He said still very confused.

I sighed and looked at Eleanor before I looked back at him.

"Did you know that your daughter is not pregnant and she is trying to trap me down?" I asked him and his eyes got bigger with shock.

"What? Eleanor is that true?" He asked his daughter that was looking at me like I destroyed her whole world. "Eleanor!" He said again when he got no answer. 

She looked at him and then at me before looking down at the floor.


Author's  note

The update you were waiting for.

Now Alex knows.

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