Chapter 26

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Alex's POV

"Thank you Adam. I am really excited to work with you." I told him and hung up the phone.

"What was that phone call about?" Summer asked me sitting next to me on the sofa. She just put Aj down for a nap. We were doing it together but I got an important phone call and had to leave a little earlier.

"Well, I was going to tell you another time so Silvia could be there but since you asked... I am opening a company. I was planning to do that for a while. I was going to tell you about it when we all got out that night but, Eleanor came and you know the rest." I told her and she seemed a little surprised with the news.

"Since when are you interested in having your own company? What kind of company?" She asked me curiously.

"I was thinking about it for a while. Since I went where I went, I learned a lot about protection and other stuff like that. I believe I have the qualifications and the money to open my own security company. I am not sure about a name yet though." I said and leaned back against the couch.

"The name is the last thing you should be worried about. What do you know about running a company?" She asked me. She always treated me like a child and though that I didn't knew what I was doing on that department of my life.

"Baby girl, you have nothing to worry about. I know what I am doing. I have people with me to help me. This is not a rush decision. Everything is ready." I told her and she sighed.

"Well, you are a big girl. You do what you are doing. Just promise me you won't be one of those parents that spend all day at the office and come home late just to sleep. You need to spend time with your kids." She told me, obviously using her mommy voice.

"Nothing will ever come before my kids. You know that. You have nothing to be worried." I told her and closed my eyes for a little to rest. I haven't been sleeping lately because of the Eleanor situation.

"DANE SECURITY..." Summer said after a while and I just opened my eyes and looked at her with confusion.


"DANE SECURITY. The name of your company. It has a nice sound." She said smiling at me.

I just looked into her eyes. Her eyes light up like the brightest star when she smiles. "I love you." I told her without even thinking about it.

But what is there to think. There was never a doubt about that. I love her since the first time I saw her and I will never stop loving her.

"I love you too baby." She told me and leaned in for a kiss.

Of course I did too even thoughi know I shouldn't. I can't help it. It is like we are magnets. We can't control it. I closed my eyes and leaned a little closer. A little more and I can kiss her.

But of course before I could, my phone went off.

I sighed disappointed as she pulled herself back. She seemed annoyed too.

I looked at my phone to find a text from my lawyer.

"I hate this." I told her pointing at the phone and she grabbed my hand to calm me down.

"What is it?" She asked me with concern.

"It's the lawyer. About our divorce..." she sighed too with the news and leaned against me.

"The day I married you was one of the best days in my life. If someone told me that we would get a divorce then I would say they were crazy." I told her and she chuckled.

"Nowadays, most married couples end up  divorced. Seems like we are not different." Summer said.

I can't believe that I have her and I am letting her go.

"I don't want to divorce you. I don't want to marry her. I want us to be happy. Why can't we be happy?" I asked her. I could not suppress my feelings anymore. I am tired of sacrificing my happiness all the time.

"I know baby. I don't want any of those things either. I want us to be happy too. But life is a bitch." She said and wiped a tear that escaped my eyes.

I leaned in to kiss her but again my phone interrupted us. This time was a call. From Eleanor.

Summer saw it and rolled her eyes. "I can't anymore with that bitch." She said and left me alone.

I chuckled before answered the phone.


"Alex, hey. I have a doctor's appointment today. In half an hour actually. I called you in case you wanted to come." Eleanor said through the phone.

"In half an hour? Couldn't you inform me faster? What if I was away or had an important work meeting or something? You need to inform me about stuff like that sooner." I told her being careful not to raise my voice to a pregnant lady.

"It was a last minute. I have a friend that is a doctor and she said she could see me. If you can't come that is fine." She said and I just sighed.

"I will try and be there on time. Now I have to go. Talk to you soon and be careful alright?" I told her. She said something and closed the phone I didn't really paid her any mind.

I was focused on the sight in front of me. Summer was there with only a towel wrapped around her. Seems like she took a shower.

"What are you doing Summer? You can't torture me like that." I told her pleading as I went closer to her.

"What? I just took a shower." She said looking at me with innocent eyes.

"Baby girl, don't lie to me. I was talking on the phone for like two minutes. You need almost an hour to take a shower." I told her and she just smirked as I pulled her against me. "Don't lie to me again!" I told her leaning closer but she turned her head the other way.

I just want a fucking kiss. What am I supposed to do to get it. Fill an application?? Because if I have to, I will...

"I can do whatever I want. It is not like you can punish me..." she said winking at me and leaving. I was ready to go after her and teach her a lesson when she talked again. "You have a doctor's appointment to go!" She said from the bedroom and I just sighed.

I fucking hate all this...

Eleanor's POV

"So this is what you have to do." I told her.

"Eleanor I can't lie about something like that." She said trying to reason with me.

"You will do as I say or else you know what is going to happen." I threatened her. She has to do this or else my plan won't work.

"I can't tell her that you are having her baby. You are not even pregnant Eleanor. I am pretty sure she will figure it out in the next five months tops." She said.

"Do you think I am stupid? I know that. Until then I will make sure that she actually gets me pregnant. If it happens in the next month you will tell her that the baby came late. If i don't get pregnant you will tell her i had a miscarriage. After we get married of course." I told her and sat on a chair that was next to her office.

"Eleanor this is crazy!" She said again.

"I don't care about your opinion. You will do what I said. Am I clear?"

Author's note

Well, Eleanor is crazy.

Summer is a tease.

What do you think Alex will do when/if she find out?

Thank you for your support.

Please leave a like and comment. A d bear with me, more chapters coming soon. I will try and update soon.

Dane family Book Two (Lesbian story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora