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"I'm burnin' through the sky, yeah!" I laughed at how he sang it off key.

"200 degrees! That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit! I'm travelling at the speed of light!" He stuck his arm out, and began moving it from the left, to the right.

"He's on crack, I swear." I shouted to Ember, trying to speak over the loud music.

"I know!" She shouted back.

"I'm having such a good time! I'm having a ball!" He pointed towards me, slowly beckoning me to come up, and dance with him.

Haha, no way.

"If you wanna have a good time just give me a call!"

"Okay, okay. That's enough for now, Zabini."

"That was sick!" He sat back down next to Draco. "Rosalie, truth or dare?" He said, putting on arm around the back of the sofa.

"Hmm, dare."

" 'Ight. Down a shot." He smirked.

Yeahhh, no.

"I- no." I saw Draco look up, repositioning himself in his seat.

"Just one." Blaise picked one up and handed it to me. "Just one."

I took it out of his hand, and downed it as quick as I could. My face grimaced.

I saw them all giggle, a little.

"May I ask, how exactly do you drink that all the time?" I asked in disgust.

"You get used to it." Pansy said.

"Right, okay. Davina, truth or dare?"

"Oh no. Dare." She looked at me.

"Kiss Blaise." I smirked at her.

"Oooh." People hissed. She looked at Blaise. He repositioned himself on the sofa he was sat on. Was she actually going to kiss him? The other day, she told me that she'd had a crush on Blaise since second year. Four years!

"Come on, then." He patted his lap. I saw her blush. She walked over to Blaise, and sat on his lap. They stared at each other for a while, before slowly connecting their lips. They made out for about ten seconds, then they both pulled away. Everyone cheered.

When she walked back to her seat, she smiled gratefully at me. I just winked in response.


We played truth or dare for about another fifteen minutes, then we just got up and danced.

'7 rings' by 'Ariana Grande' came on. I pulled Pansy up, and we began dancing. People flooded in around us. Everyone was either screaming, drinking, dancing, or making out.

I saw Hermione.

"Pansy! Come on!" I pulled her to come and dance with Hermione. "Hey!"

"Oh my god! Hello!" She shouted. She looked hot, it I do say so myself.

"You look hot!" I shouted back.

"You do, too. Pansy! Hey!" Mione waved at Pansy. "Curly hair suits you!"

"I know right! I said the exact same thing!"

"Thanks, Hermione. You know, your not actually that bad." She smiled. Yay, I made a new friendship.

"I'm going to the toilet. I'll be right back." I said, patting both of their shoulders.

I exited the room, I could still hear the music playing. I walked into the bathroom, and looked in the mirror. Good job I'm not drunk. I probably wouldn't even make it back to my bed.

I didn't really need the toilet. I just needed a brake. I turned on the cold water, washing my hands, quickly. 'Such a Whore' by 'JVLA' came on. I could hear it banging.

As I was washing my hands, my eyes looked over at my forearm. I hope Ember didn't see anything. I began to vigorously scratch at it. I tried to wash it away. I tried.

I heard footsteps behind me. "Hey, you alright?" A voice said.

I turned around to see who it was. It was Draco. My arm flew behind my back. "Yeah, I'm fine. You?" I smiled, sheepishly.

"I'm doing amazing."

Draco's POV

I watched her get up, and dance with Pansy. The way she moved was elegant. The way she smiled was head-turning. The way she laughed was contagious.

They danced for a while, before making their way to Hermione. My eyes didn't move an inch away from her. It's like they were stuck.


"Oh, shut it, Zabini." I looked at him.

"You are, though!" He says up in his seat. "The way you look at her! I've never seen you so- what's the word. So, fascinated in someone, before!" He looked back at me.

"Yeah, whatever." Where we sat was a little quieter, so we didn't particularly need to shout.

"It's true! Look, mate. You'll never know how she feels if you don't tell her."

"What even makes you think that I like her?"

"Come on, mate. I reckon that everyone in this room would bet twenty galleons that you liked her. Well, maybe not everyone, but most." I looked at him. Is that true? "Now go get her!" He pushed me off the sofa, and began walking me to the door. "

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