Chapter 13: Arcane

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"Yes. But my feelings for you is sincere. I really like you, Tiffany. Otherwise, I wouldn't accept your father's request no matter how attractive you are." She look straight in my eyes, trying to assure me that her feelings are real.

I didn't say a word. Instead, I pulled her in a tight hug. Sure, I was still shock for my father's involvement in this case but that doesn't change a thing. I really like Taeyeon. And I do believe that she likes me.

I'm here to help her. Now that I know the truth, I won't hesitate to help her no matter how small I can contribute. I'll stay beside her to give her strength.

We stayed like that for a while. Then eventually, we found ourselves cuddled up on the couch. I was laying my back on the couch while Taeyeon is on top of me. We're hugging each other tightly. No one wants to pull out. A comfortable silence envelope us after the emotional revelation of truth.

Sooyoung really have the guts to accuse Taeyeon when in reality, she's the one who sold the Jungs out. Now I completely understand why Taeyeon distant herself from them. If I was here, I won't even go back in this place.

One thing's for sure though. My amazement on Taeyeon's bravery grew higher. Her control to herself is on another level too. Imagine holding back yourself to shout at the same person that accuse you continuously is the same reason of Mr. Kim and the Jungs death.

"Tae, does Sunny and the rest have an idea about Sooyoung's betrayal?" I asked out of nowhere while brushing her hair using my hand.

"No. They are completely innocent." She hide her face on the crook of my neck. I can feel her breath tickling my insides.

I nod my head, acknowledging her response. Although I had a hard time to focus because of her face on my neck.


The next morning.

"Good morning, Tae." I whispered in her ear. She furrowed her eyebrows on her sleep. I'm already done cooking our breakfast and this cute little hooman is still sleeping soundly. I guess pigs will finally fly today. I chuckle.

Since it's still early, I decided to let her sleep more. I sat on the edge of her bed and stare at her while she's sleeping. She looks at peace. It's like as if she have all the time in the world. She is attractive as fuck! Very pretty.

You are the strongest and bravest person I've ever met, Tae. But even so, you're still a human. There are times that you'll get tired. And that's why I'm here for. You can rest in my arms and I'll do my best to put your stress away. I want you to seek such comfort to me. Taeyeon, I think I'm falling hard for you.

I bite my lower lip with that thought. I badly wanna tell her that I'm falling for her but I'm afraid that she doesn't feel the same. I'm afraid that she just likes me. So I guess I'll settle like this for now. I will just tell her next time. When I'm ready to any of the two outcomes. Either she feels the same or I get rejected.

"What's going on in that pretty mind of yours?" I was startled when I heard her voice. I look down to meet her eyes.

"You're finally awake." I chuckled.

"Did I sleep too long?"

"Nope. You're good. You must rest from time to time too." I smiled and she smiled too.

"I need to cook for us." She sat up straight, planning to stand up but I stopped her.

"No rush, Tae. I already cooked our breakfast." She stared at me with her eyes widened. I chuckled. She's so cute.


"Shhh!" I place my finger on her lips to stop her from protesting. Gosh! I badly wanted to silence her using my lips instead. Why is she taking too long to take the first move? If she would stay like this, I swear I won't be able to stop myself anymore. I would kiss her hard until she forgets her name!

"Come, let's eat." I sweetly stated as I held her hand to pull her out of the bed. She just let me drag her until we reach the kitchen stool. We sat side by side as we eat our breakfast silently.

"Tae, if you already know that the Chois are the real culprit, then why didn't you told the police yet?" I asked out of nowhere. I was just wondering why the Chois are still free to go outside while Jessica and Krystal are hiding for their dear lives.

"There's no much of an evidence, Pani. Krystal may have heard Sooyoung talking to a man, however, she was incapable to see his face. Even the two other men who took my mother away, she didn't saw their faces. The case will only be dismissed considering the fact that the Chois also have a money. And let's not forget that they also have connections. So my uncle and I decided to find my mother first. Because we'll be risking her life if we were to speak to the police and tell them what we knew." She explained gently. This time, she is calm. She's not crying like last night. I'm relieved though. I don't want to see her crying anymore. It breaks my heart.

"So, your mother is the only witness we have."

"Yes. And she's unfortunately missing." She sighed.


Thank you for reading! ❣️🇵🇭

We have a double update today 'cause I don't think I'll be able to update tomorrow. 😅 I'll be busy doing my schoolworks. Anyways, see you again on Friday! 💛

Let's watch our girls later tonight at You Quiz on the Block 💛

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