Hardin Chapter 22

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She rambles on and I can't help but admire her, here I am completely naked in bed with an incredibly sexy woman and I'm smiling because she's just so cute when she talks. What has happened to me.

"And then I started talking about...........us, I know it's crazy because it's not like he could actually answer me but it was nice to talk to someone. I just miss him so much."

She looks down and picks at her fingers, I lift her chin so she's looking at me.

"You're not crazy baby, well maybe just a little bit." I tease.

She scolds me.

"I'm kidding, but I think it's good you went to visit him. Since we live so far away it's good to see him when we visit your parents."

She faintly smiles.

"I wish he could have met you, he would have loved you. You two are similar." She giggles.

"Similar how?"

She breaks into laughter.

"You two are both assholes."

"Wow, that was rude." I tease.

She leans in and pecks my lips.

"I love that about you, you only love me and I like it that way." She says.

"Yeah well after that statement I might take my love back."

She scrunches her brows.

"Yeah right, you can't resist me Mr. Scott. All I have to do a show you one boob and you'll be in a trance." She tease.

I look down at her boobs.

"You have a point." I say.

She giggles.

She wraps her arms around me and slides her body closer to mine.

"But remember Tess, you'll always have your grandfather in here."

I point to her heart.

"You're too much Mr. Scott."

She rests her forehead on mine and we both close our eyes.



I open my eyes and I'm greeted with her gorgeous curious smile.

"Yes dear?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course darling."

She hesitates.

"What's wrong? You aren't having second thoughts about us are you?"

"No no, of course not. I just don't want you to get upset with me." She says softly.

Dear god.

"It's ok, you can ask."

She seems to be getting her thoughts in order.

"Do you ever think about you birth mother?" She asks.

Great, we really had to open that can of worms now.

I sigh.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have...."

"No, it's ok. It was bound to come up eventually."

"You don't have to tell me." She says softly.

"I want to."

I take her hand and kiss it before I rest it on my chest.

"Sometimes I think about her, I think about what would have happened if she decided to keep me. I like to think I could have had a family, a real one. Not the piece of shit fake family I have now, the people who adopted me are........awful. The only thing they know how to do is shove cash down my fucking throat, I don't even think they know my middle name."

Thinking about all of this makes me sad.

"And sometimes I get so mad at her, I know she was only a child when she had me but.............maybe if she would have kept me I wouldn't have turned out the way I did. I used to blame her for what happened to me but now.....................I just don't care anymore."

Her sad gaze is too much, I look away.

"Do you even think about trying to find her?" She asks.

"No, she can't do anything for me anymore."

I look at the wall and desperately try not to cry, she takes my face in her hands. I look at her and she examines my face before she wipes under my eyes.

"I'm sorry I asked." She says softly.

"It's ok baby."

She pulls my head towards her chest and runs her fingers through my hair, I wrap my arms around her waist and close my eyes while I allow her to have access to this part of me.

"I love you so much Tessa."

She kisses the top of my head.

"I love you Hardin."

The rest of night is spend in each other's arms, I don't think I've ever talked about my birth mother before. She's not something I like to talk about even to myself, but everything is different with Tessa. She makes me feel safe, that might sound stupid because I'm like 8 inches taller than her and weight 50 pounds more but, I just do.

It's these moments where she holds in her arms and gently whispers to me that make me feel normal. She makes me feel loved and comfortable and safe, so safe.

I just love this woman so fucking much.

After The Truth Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora