A knock was heard. You sighed to yourself. Not bothering to answer, you shuffled in your position, nuzzling further into your blanket.

Your heart nearly leapt from your chest as the door slammed open. Mammon grinned brightly. With a boisterous tone, he spoke loudly. "Yo yo yo! Guess who's here? Iiiiit's MAMMON!"

"What is this, a wrestling tournament?" Yuki deadpanned at his behavior. Shaking her head, she turned to you. "We heard you weren't feeling well, so we came here."

"...Oh right, Beel broke the door knob." You uttered to yourself. Beel frowned. "Sorry..."

"I'm doing fine. You guys should focus on preparing for the party tomorrow."

"Doing fine my ass. You haven't left your room in a while." Belphegor tugged on your blanket, making you groan. "Get off..."

"We're seriously getting worried though." Asmodeus' voice was doused in concern. "You can't get out of bed?"

"Yes, I can. I'm fine, okay? Just go."

The rest frowned upon your response. Just as you rolled over to the other side, a heavy weight suddenly appeared above your stomach. You wheezed. "Ma-ammon...! G-get off me--!"

"I've had it with you hidin' stuff from us, ya hear?" He glowered at you. "And I'm pretty sure you're doing it again!"

"I'm not h-hiding anything! Mammon, get off, you're h-heavy!" You squirmed under his weight. He huffed before abiding. He plopped down the bed right next to you. He glared down childishly at you. "I can see right through ya."

"See right through me? There's nothing to see at all."

"Boo...! You suck at lying!"

"What the hell is wrong with you..." You huffed, trying to roll over to face away from him. Mammon was having none of it. He quickly grabbed you by the shoulders, managing to make you stay in place. "Oh no ya don't!"

"Look, you always do this." His tone dipped, lowering. He frowned down at you. "You like hiding things from everyone. You're just like Lucifer!"

The Avatar of Pride flinched at the mention, but didn't say anything else. Mammon continued. "You know we can help you if you're going through something, you know?"

"..." You refused to look at him.

"...We've given you enough time to wallow... We just want you to feel better already." His tone softened. You found yourself sighing in guilt.


The male was ready to listen.

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