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  It was the first the day back, and Nora already wanted to return home.

She frowned while brushing her hair, because she didn't want to exit the common room, and face the stares of people, people who were openly judging her.

Honestly, it wasn't like they didn't do that before, but now it would be more prominent. No doubt likely everybody besides her own house would treat her differently, much more then before.

  Of course, she wasn't supposed to care. She was supposed to be proud of the fact that her parents were free. She was supposed to say vile things to everybody and laugh.  But she didn't want to, for a reason Nora never knew.

   After a few more moments of thinking, she finally decided to just go out and deal with everything. 

  Pansy gave her a small smile and walked with her to the Great Hall. Nora nodded her head absentmindedly as she ignored the looks everyone was giving her. After all, they didn't matter. All that mattered was showing them that she didn't care.

Classes had gotten normally, and before Nora knew it, it was already the end of the day. She sat in her dorm room almost amazed at how calm things were that day. It didn't matter, they didn't matter.

   That first day seemed to give Nora a slight boast of confidence, and for the following days, she kept her head high and acted as if everything was normal. She received mail from her aunt weekly, with a few sweets and presents. Aunt Cissa didn't mention her parents however, something Nora was grateful for.

  After a week later however, something felt wrong. There seemed to be something off, something missing. And Nora only realized that when she saw a bushy-haired girl walking out of the Charms classroom.

  Granger, who bugged her almost daily, left her alone. And it didn't take Nora much time to realize why. Her parents escaping probably scared Granger, and made her keep her distance from the pureblood. Also, there was simply no need for the two to interact anymore, the rumors had become irrelevant now. 

   So of course, now that Nora realized what was different in her life, she should have just moved on to the rest of her day like normal, right?

  Very surprisingly, no, she in fact did not.

  For the rest of the week, she felt sort of bothered. Of course, while sending glares to whoever gave her a funny look was fun, she didn't seem to like the new change in her life.

  But she couldn't allow herself to think about her new change, as times had become more busy. O.W.Ls were arriving, and there wasn't much time left. January was almost over, and the exams were at the first week of June. That only gave Nora a little more than three months to review.

   Thus she found herself one morning in the library, skipping her Divination lecture to catch up on Charms. Charms was a fairly simple subject, but Nora found herself getting confused at times.

   Pansy also mentioned that she heard about Career Advice, where everyone would meet with their head of house and talk about what they wanted to do after school. Apparently, this also helped everyone understand what subjects they should aim to get better scores in.

  This scared Nora, as she still didn't have the faintest idea of what she should do after school. Draco talked about some high position in the Ministry, which didn't really interest Nora. At times she had thought about becoming a private lawyer, like the ones her aunt and uncle had. Nora brought up the idea once to Aunt Cissa, but she told her that she didn't need to worry about any of that, and that she should focus on getting married to a good, wealthy man.

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