Chapter 5: Backstory (Part 2)

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Here's the next half of the flashback.


"Aghhh! It hurts!". A figure in a medium sized room spoked. He looked around and find a old looking man beside him. He quickly got up but was forced to lay back as we winced in pain.

"Don't get up you are injured". The old man said.

"W-who are you and where am I". The bedridden figure asked.

"You can call me Tok Aba and this is my house, I found you injured in the forest when I was going there to pick fresh cocoa beans for my shop. You were pretty injured so I brought you home. You woke after two days". The person calmly said.

"T-two days! I was out for two days!". The boy panicked.

"Yeah you were but nothing to worry about you are fine now. How did you got injured? Was it an accident? Tell me your address so I can inform your parents. They should be worried for you".

The boy lowered his head not wanting to say a thing. He looked at the man's kind eyes and decided to tell him everything, he sighed and said "I'm Aaron................ ".

"So you are saying you are a prince of another planet who ran off". The old man said.

"Yes. My parents want me to be a prince but I don't want to! They don't let me do anything I want. I was not allowed to go out the palace, to make friends, to play like normal kids. All they wanted me to take my royal classes and attend the boring meetings with other planets with them and so on. I don't have freedom". The young prince said with sad eyes looking down.

"But it's your responsibility as the only prince of your kingdom, you can't run from it". Tok Aba said while eyeing on him as he bring him hot chocolate to drink.

"I'm not running from my responsibility. I just want some freedom. I will return to my kingdom perhaps after some years. I just want to have a taste of normal childhood like everyone else!".

Tok Aba seems to understand what the boy wants. "Do you have any place to stay?".

Prince Aaron (BoBoiBoy) shook his head in a no.

"Hmm. You can stay with me as my grandson. I live alone here. I'll love to have a company and you can help me with my shop too".

"Huh. Really! Thank you gramps!". The young prince chirped.

Tok Aba smiled as he approached the door to get out and give to boy some time to rest. He stopped when Aaron called him.

"A-atok please don't tell about this to anyone that I am a prince. And also can you call me with some other name?". After a few moments of thinking he said "BoBoiBoy, BoBoiBoy should be fine. Can you call me BoBoiBoy please from now on". He said.

Tok Aba nodded in affirmation as he closed the door.

"Good Night BoBoiBoy".

"Good Night Tok Aba".

And done. Here's the back story.


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