Just a Little Something

Start from the beginning

Jules rolled her eyes. "I'm not asking you to share the dick, obvi, but some deets would be nice. Damn. Not all of us can land a Daddy Long Dong. Spare a crumb of cock. A dabble of some dick. Come on."

You both shared a laugh, something you'd collectively been missing.

"I've missed this."
"Well, duh, bitch, me too."

"Thank you for being so understanding. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Make me your maid of honor when he finally wifes you up. I'll plan the bachelorette, show up the day of, and we'll call it even."

Jules laid her hand on top of the table and you took it, giving it a light squeeze.

"Thank you."

She rolled her eyes and smiled. "I guess you're okay too."


Tipsier than you ever anticipated, you traipsed through the door. Charlie was cozy on the couch when you came in. He looked up from his book rather amused to see your having traded your usual jaunty saunter for something slower. It was the fact you were using the wall to stabilize yourself that gave him pause.

He laid the book face down on the coffee table and made his way over to you.

"You okay, sweetheart?"

You nodded, your mouth curling into a sly smile . "I'm good. Just had one cocktail too many." The warmth of your body had moved to your cheeks, something made all the more evident as Charlie's cool lips pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.

You hummed contentedly. "Your lips feel good." He guided you over to the couch and helped you prop your feet up, gently lifting your legs and removing your heels. "Do they?"

You could feel the swelling taking hold as you wiggled your toes the second your feet were free. You couldn't hold in the groan that followed. As you laid back against the cushions, Charlie had wandered into the kitchen and returned with something for your head and a tall glass of water.

"Here, baby. Take this. You'll feel better." He offered you the glass and medication which you gladly accepted and sat on the end of the sofa, carefully moving your legs once more to put your feet in his lap.

"So...How was Jules?"

"Good. I didn't realize how much I missed having quality time with her...or how much I missed period, but it was good. She's great. It was like we didn't miss a beat."
"You two should go out more often or invite her over sometime. I don't know how she'd feel about it being just the three of us. She's more than welcome to bring a date. We could do a game night. It could be fun."

By now, the large paws Charlie called hands had started massaging your aching soles. You moaned in relief, the sound earning a lighthearted laugh from the man you love.
"Feel good?"

You laid there watching him, your fingers interlocked as you rested your hands on your stomach.

"You're going to think I've lost my marbles."

Charlie huffed in amusement through his nose, his nimble fingers still working their magic.

"I highly doubt that, but I'll bite. Why's that?"
"I know I just ate, but I'm starving."

He turned to you, affection in his gaze as he marveled in the wonder of you. "Well, it so happens you're in luck. I was thinking of ordering Pino's. How do pizza and garlic knots sound?"

"Even better if we get cannolis."

He chuckled. "We can get cannolis too."

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