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शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Fucking die!" She screams and she pushes the shovel. "Why won't you fucking die!" She screams again and pushes so hard that his head falls off, decapitating him. Ziggy screams in horror. "No! Alice? Alice? Alice, just...Just stay with me, Alice." Alice's breath stops, she lost someone she cared for, again. "No! No! Alice!" She cries as she touches her friend's dead body, with hope she would come back. A song was heard from the woods, seeming to get closer. Ziggy looks through the window, confused.

"What is that?" She asks. Cindy looks around, confused too. She gets closer to the window, to see what was singing that. Suddenly Ruby Lane appears on the woods, with the razor blade in her hand, she was ready to kill.

"Run. Run!" Cindy yells and grabs the hand-bone while Ziggy grabs the shovel, suddenly she fells Tommy's grip in her ankle. She screams and Cindy grabs her from Tommy's grip and they both run, towards the Hanging Tree. They run like they never had before, on Cindy's mind the only thing that appeared was the sense of protection, she was going to protect her sister no matter what. "There it is! Go!" She says as they run towards the tree.

"Here?" Ziggy asks.

"Yes! Yes!" Cindy quickly responds. Ziggy starts digging fast, along with Cindy that helped her with her hands.

"Cindy?" Ziggy calls for her for she sees someone far away. A little kid with a mask and a bat. Billy Barker. Cindy looks at him too, freaked out.

"Just keep digging." Cindy orders. Ziggy keeps digging and Cindy looks around, seeing Ruby Lane appearing on the middle of the woods. "Faster!"

"I hit something!" Ziggy exclaims. They both grab what was under of all that dirt, it was a rock, with something written on it.

"The witch forever lives." Cindy reads what's in the rock.

"Cindy, what does it mean? Cindy?" Ziggy panicks, she could hear Ruby Lane getting closer and closer.

"I don't know." Cindy answers, completely frozen.

"Where is she? Where is the body?" She asks desperate.

"I don't know." Cindy responds, crying. She gets up and grabs Ziggy, so they could run in another direction, away from the killers.

"This way. Come on!" She says, but as soon as she turns around she sees him. Tommy. Running towards them. The Berman sisters start looking around, trying to find some sort of way out. But they were trapped. Tommy, Ruby Lane, Billy Barker, Harry Rooker. All of them, walking towards them, like a hunter catching his prey.

Cindy knew what she had to do.

"What do you want, Sarah Fier?" She yells and grabs the bone-hand from the grass. "You want this? You can have it! Just let my sister live! Just let my sister live!" She yells, begging to Sarah Fier so her sister could live. Cindy had lost so much tonight, and her sister, the one she had a really strong bond since she was a kid, she couldn't lose her. It was her sister, the one she promised herself to protect the second she was born.

"You bled on the bone. They're after you." Cindy says, as she grabs the shovel. "Get ready to run." Cindy was ready, but Ziggy wasn't.

"No, Cindy, no! No, Cindy!" Ziggy couldn't let her sister die.

"Let's go!" Cindy grabs her sister and pushes her aside, so she could run from the killers. She was face to face with Tommy, she would fight him to death, just for her sister to live. She hits him with the shovel, but he hits her back in the face with the axe, making her fall on her back.

Ziggy screams for her sister, seeing her fall to the ground as she keeps running. Suddenly a pair of strong arms grab her, and she feels a sharp pain coming from her stomach. Harry Rooker, or The Milkman, as some call him. She falls into the floor and he stabs her again, right on her left Tommy hits Cindy with his axe, right on her chest. The two sisters were being murdered.

One by Tommy Slater.

One by Harry Rooker.

Both didn't die right on that moment, they still gathered some strength so they could look at each other for some seconds before they could leave this world for good. The sisters turn their heads so they could look at each other and both move their arms, trying to reach for some touch so at least their death would be less painful.

They would meet on the other side. 

Cindy would meet Cassie on the other side.

They could die in peace.

"Nothing will pull us apart." Cindy says with struggle, before reaching her final breath.

"Never again." Ziggy replies still trying to reach out for her sister's touch, it was all that could comfort her right now. Ziggy took her last breath, seeing Sarah Fier's anger through her mind.

A loud thunder was heard, the only thing you could hear was the sound of the thunders and the sound of the crickets. There wasn't Cindy's nor Ziggy's breath anymore. They were dead, with both heads turned to each other, and both of their arms trying to reach each other.

The sisters were united.

Cindy was with Cassie again.

That was July 19th, 1978. Five thousand, nine hundred and thirty-seven days ago.

They were both dead.

"Ziggy!" Suddendly Nick appears on the field of grass, and grabs Ziggy's face, trying to wake her up. "No, no, no! Don't die on me okay?" Nick says desperate and starts doing CPR on the younger girl. "Come on, come on, come on!"

And for most days...

Ziggy wished she stayed dead.

Unfair | Cindy Bermanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें