Chapter 3

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It had been 2 weeks since Iris's Grandmother had screamed all those awful words to the principle. Lori had hoped that it meant that maybe Iris would be coming back to school...Just as that thought left Lori's mind the classroom door opens and Michael walks in and askes the teacher for any of Iris's school work that she could make up when ready. Lori froze when her eyes wandered to the door to see Iris standing in the hallway she looked different and had a cast holding her left arm into the air. Turned out Iris had woken up from her coma with just the left side of her body paralyzed the doctors said it was a miracle fir her to only have one side of her body paralyzed. Over the past two weeks she slowly regained mobility to the left side of her body only leaving her arm left paralyzed.

Raising her arm Lori asked if she could use the bathroom, she just needed a reason to see that Iris was actually there the teacher nodded her head yes and Lori quickly shot up and out the door of the classroom neglecting to grab a hall pass... She froze for a second when she locked eyes with Iris only to hear her grandmother yell at her to stop starring. Lori quickly ran down the hall to the bathroom. Lori let out a sigh as her eyes filled with tears. Finally being able to see her best friend again after weeks of her being in the hospital broke a little piece of Lori. 

On her way back to the class she saw Iris and her grandmother walking down the hall into the stairwell to head downstairs. Lori was almost to the class when Michael walked out and met eyes with Lori. "Oh, Hey Lori I am so sorry I didnt tell you about this, I thought maybe you were avoiding me. Michael says dropping his eyes to the floor looking at his feet. 

"No, I am sorry Michael... I was avoiding you" Lori replies 

"Oh, Why so?" ... 

"I didnt want to make things harder for you I know you already have a lot going on with Iris being sick,  If truth be told I was also dodging you becau-' Lori says before get cut off by the teacher 

" Lori please come back into the classroom." The teacher says then going back to her lesson plan.

"Looks like you better go Lori... I have to go to have to talk to the rest of the teachers anyway." Michael Says 

How was Lori gonna tell him that she liked him without making things worse for him... How was she supposed to tell her best friend "hey I hit on your brother while you were in your coma hop you dont mind'. Ugh! What is Lori supposed to do. Why did she have to have these dumb feelings for someone she couldn't have.'


Lori Hadn't had a chance to get Michael one on one to finish their conversation and it had been a few weeks. Iris still hadn't returned to school to school yet and Lori desperately wanted to ask Michael about it but she could never find him in between classes. Eventually she didnt see him until the end of the week. She finally sees him at his locker putting things into his bag.

Lori walks over to Michael "Hey I have been looking for you' 

"Oh, Well I haven't been in school the past couple days" Michael says closing his now empty Locker and sticking the lock in his pocket, not even looking at her

"Hey, whats going on Michael?" Lori says grabbing his arm

'We are moving back to Texas after all we leave in a few days' Michael says before pulling his arm out of Lori's now loose grip on him...

Lori Could not believe her ears and she just stood there staring at him walking away. They couldn't just move without saying anything to her... Iris was her best friend... She couldn't loose her , NOT AGAIN!  

Lori had realized she was crying so she ran to the bathroom into a stall and just sat there balling her eyes out. Her cries suddenly became anger when she looked up at the stall to see someone had wrote on the stall door "Lori is the reason Iris is in a coma". Lori became furious and punched the stall door and then storming out the bathroom when the last bell of the day rang. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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