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   Jiang Aihua asked the workers who built the dormitory with him before to build the house. The cost of starting the house was the same as when he built the dormitory before, which was one yuan and fifty cents a day. There are so many people and powerful. They respect Jiang Aihua because of what happened last time, and they worked very hard. No, the house was completed in less than a month.

    The house was built with two and a half floors. The top half is a small attic. This is what Jiang Aihua thought of when he designed the drawings. Usually, the small attic is good for storing things or taking in the shade.

    After the house was built, it was allowed to live in after drying for a few days to blow the smell away. Cui Fengju asked someone to move in, and three days later, it would be a good day to have a wedding party.

    They have a custom of building a new house for wedding receptions, which is to throw away sugar, also called throwing building sugar, but this sugar refers not to sugar, but to rice cakes, pancakes and the like. Of course, if someone’s family conditions are good, they can also throw it away with sugar. After all, sugar is expensive now, and most people will not buy sugar and throw it away for others.

    Because the people who eat the wedding wine pick up the candy, it belongs to them.

    But the Jiang family even built small buildings, and they wouldn't be stingy on it. On the day they moved in, Cui Fengju and Jiang Aihua went to the brigade and exchanged a lot of grains, including fine grains and coarse grains. Coarse grains are corn, sorghum and the like, made into corn cakes and sorghum flour cakes, and fine grains are wheat flour. The wheat flour can be used to make steamed buns.

    In addition, Xie Wenxiu also took the children to pick some fruit hard candies, and also bought some gold coin chocolates that Xu Zhenni gave to Tian Xiao before. However, the gold coin chocolates are more expensive, so they bought less. It’s the color that looks good, golden, looks happy, just buy something interesting.

    Happy events are not a trivial matter. There are a lot of things that need to be busy, but they are happy no matter how busy they are.

    The ingredients for the banquet must also be prepared. The dishes at home are not enough. Cui Fengju went to find some of her nephews, and when they discussed it, they would go to their house and pick some dishes. As for the meat, they would discuss it and be ready to thank you. Wen Yan bought a pig to kill at the pig farm.

    Because their piglets are still small, it is not cost-effective to kill them now. The larger piglet is an old sow and keeps the piglets. There is a boar in the house, but it is Sizhen's.

    Although Si Zhen now lives in their home, just like his own children, the three-bedroom family has a wedding, and their family is ashamed to kill Si Zhen's pig, so they didn't think about it.

    However, Si Zhen took the initiative to find them, saying that he would kill his pig and run a hi bar. Anyway, it is a boar, killing it during the New Year is the same as killing it now.

    Cui Fengju and Xie Wenxiu talked about it, and finally thought that they would kill Sizhen’s pig. That pig seemed to be more than 300 kilograms. After killing it, we handed over one hundred kilograms to the brigade. More than two hundred catties of meat are left to be used for banquets.

    In terms of money, they can keep the pork money with Sizhen without taking advantage of him. Otherwise, Si Zhen had just said that, and they didn't agree, because they were afraid that the child would think too much in his heart, thinking that they didn't treat him as a relative.

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