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    Although Liu Guifen made up his mind not to laugh sweetly, she couldn't throw sweet laugh out directly. She was a money-losing man, but in name it was her child. Not to mention Jiang Aimin, even Cui Fengju saw a sweet smile, and she wouldn't make her lose money for a long time.

    If Liu Guifen openly lost the child, it might not work.

    But Liu Guifen’s dislike of Tianxiao’s emotions became more and more obvious. First, he took the medicine to regain her milk and did not give Tianxiao milk; and often deliberately ignored Tianxiao because of other things, and let her cry or urinate. When I didn't see it.

    Xie Wenxiu said about her several times because of Liu Guifen's inattention, but Liu Guifen was like a piece of hob meat, and it was useless to let her say more.

    Liu Guifen was slowly chopping pig grass in the yard that day, and she didn't care if she smiled and cried in the house. Xie Wenxiu hurriedly ran to her sweet smile, only to find that she was peeing.

    And the clothes on Tian Xiao didn't know how long she hadn't changed, the original Xiangxiang milk dolls had a smell. Xie Wenxiu was so distressed that she hugged Tianxiao tightly, only to find that she seemed to be hungry, and slammed her small mouth against her chest, as if she was going to breastfeed.

    A child who was not yet full moon was tossed like this by Liu Guifen.

    Xie Wenxiu couldn't stand it anymore, and rushed into the yard with

    Tianxiao, and cursed at Liu Guifen : " Liu Guifen , what kind of nerves are you making? You can't hear Tianxiao crying?" Liu Guifen scolded Xie Wenxiu for being nosy. , It's not her daughter, running to Tianxiao all day, it's really a dog with a mouse.

    "Why didn't I hear? Then I'm going to work? I'm going to hug her, you do this job for me?" She rolled her eyes and threw the blunt pig-grass knife to the ground, but She accidentally smashed her own foot, and she screamed in pain, and quickly took off the broken Jiefang shoes, and the big toe was bleeding.

    Xie Wenxiu felt that Liu Guifen was just making excuses, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that she didn't care about Xiao Tian's smile.

    Haven't seen her be so right to those two girls before, and did it take so long to chop a pigweed? Xie Wenxiu said: "You have chopped this hogweed all morning and haven't chopped it yet? I'll ask you if you are Sweet Xiao's mother? Your heart is made of stone? Sweet laugh is so hungry? Why are you hungry? Do you know how to breastfeed her?"

    Liu Guifen snorted coldly, thinking that Tian Xiao was not her child, she just wanted Tian Xiao to be a substitute for the dead, who knew that Cui Fengju's old lady didn't actually start.

    The pain in her feet was terrible, and she believed that her toes were smashed because of a sweet smile, so she said angrily: "I can't eat enough all day. Where can I feed her with milk? If you like her so much. , Then you can be her mother!"

    Xie Wenxiu immediately responded: "Okay, remember what you said today, don’t you don’t want sweet smiles, don’t you? Okay, I want it!"

    Tian Xiao is so cute, if she could have Such a girl, can't wait to spoil her to the sky, don't Liu Guifen? They want three rooms!


    Jiang Baozhu ran home crying when they were arguing. Si Meiqi's red hair rope was attracted to her. Si Meiqi's brother Si Jinbao came to grab her hair rope. .

    Jiang Baozhu was only two years old, and he couldn't win at all. He was five years old and was still fat like a pig.

    One piece of the red hair rope was snatched away, and a bunch of hair on top of her head was torn off by Si Meiqi.

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