She hurried down the chair running to us, almost missing a step. I scurried aside to make space for her to sit in.

But to my surprise, she merely waved at me and apparently, had already made a friend along the way here to Hogwarts, and sat beside the other first years instead.

If I was immensely disappointed -- yes, I was -- then I didn't let it show. I wouldn't let a thing so little to ruin the night. So I put on the big grin back on my face and celebrated with her brothers who were just as proud as I am. 

 I shot her a smile to see if she was looking. She did, and she smiled back.

I felt my heart flutter.

23rd January 1994

The day I realised I was in love with her. 

Like the teenage boys we were, Ron, Dean, Seamus , Neville and I, were talking about the girls in our school before suddenly all the attention was centred at me when Ron had jokingly said, "Y'know... I wouldn't mind having you dating my sister."

The others laugh, they did except for me who was doing a great impression of a very ripe tomato.

The laughter went to a halt when they realised I was silent.

I remember clearly the smirk Seamus had on his face when something dawn on him.

"Merlin's. Bloody. Beard," he said like in some sort of form of staccato -- for extra emphasis, he often reasoned.

"Harry, you really have the hots for Ginny, do you?"

I almost laughed when Ron's eyes when wide like saucers. He wasn't expecting that, obviously. That dense git.

I flushed red. Panicked.

I wasn't aware of what I was actually feeling for her at that moment. From what I could tell back then was that it was normal to feel that way towards your friend.

Well, no it wasn't, apparently.

I spluttered, not knowing what to say. 

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It gave me a second of nostalgia from years before.

"You know, mate, it's totally fine if you do like my sister. You're nice."

Across from us, Seamus snorted. "Aw, that's it? That's the only reason?" He shut up when Ron shot a glare his way.

"I-I don't... I don't know what you're s-saying?" I tried to defend myself. But deep down, I eventually come to a realisation too, that what I felt for her was love.

And not just of any kind. I saw her as more than a friend.

14th February 1994

I leaned back against the stone wall as I waited for her on the lively school grounds.

Sweat surfaced from beneath my skin. My palms clammy as my hands gripped the expensive box full of intricate-looking chocolate that I had my mum ordered days ago for me to give to a certain redhead on Valentine's Day.

I paced up and down on my heels. Growing rather impatient for her to come around the corner.

Granted, I felt a poke on my side and jumped with an admittedly unmanly squeak.

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