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* Requested by: @Sandrastar1 *

Luca's POV

"Guess whooo~" a voice said from behind, right before covering my eyes with their hands. I froze up for a second. I had been so focused on reading my book that I completely forgot my surroundings.

"What?" I asked.

"Guess who!" They repeated. I could hear them laughing, and soon enough I found myself cracking a smile along with them.

"I don't know," I said, shrugging. I did have an idea, actually. I mean, how could I not recognize his voice? But instead of ruining his fun, I decided to let him have his moment. And, maybe have some fun of my own.

"Come on, you're supposed to guess!" He sighed with a chuckle.

"Ercole?" I smirked, hearing him gasp in fake offense.

"How dare you?!" He said, continuing, "wait, do I really sound like him?"

"No, not really," I laughed as he sighed in relief.

"Okay, keep guessing, Luca," he said.

"Giulia?" I could practically see the confusion on his face. I began laughing even harder when he didn't say anything in response.

"Okay, okay. I'll be serious now," I laughed. I hadn't had quite enough fun yet, though. The butterflies started in my stomach a little bit, but I guess if it went wrong...I could always play it off as a joke, right?

"You must be..." I paused for a more dramatic effect. "My future boyfriend!"

I heard the breathing behind me hitch. I giggled before grabbing the hands that covered my eyes, taking them away from my face and turning around. Sure enough, there stood Alberto in front of me. His face was completely red, and he stared at me in shock. His eyes then moved down to my hand, where I realized I hadn't let go yet.

I laughed nervously, letting go of his hand and rubbing the back of my neck.

"Wow, I..." he paused. "That caught me off-guard," he continued, followed by a sudden hiccup.

We both looked at each other, his frown turning into a grin before he said, "oh nooooo!"

He brought his hand up to his face sadly before hiccuping again. I laughed, tapping him on the shoulder and telling him, "come on, silly."

I walked towards Massimo's boat docked at the bridge. He followed behind me, watching as I untied it from the post and climbed in.

"What're you doing?" He asked. I didn't say anything, but just gestured him to climb in. He did, and we both pushed the boat away, grabbing a paddle after and rowing into the middle of the sea.

"Okay, but seriously Luca. What are we doing out here?" He asked, beginning to look uncomfortable.

"Well, they can't see us turn, right? Every time I get hiccups, swimming upside down seems to help."

"Oh...well, thanks," he smiled slightly before being interrupted again by another hiccup. I laughed before getting up. I stood at the edge of the boat, letting myself fall backwards into the open water. The cold water hit my scales in the best way, and I heard another splash behind me not too soon after.

"Come on!" I grabbed his wrist, swimming into the depth of the sea as fast as I could. I could feel his reluctance behind me, but we kept going.

(Quick timeskip because wriitng is hard 😅)

I dried my hair with the towel left on the boat, tossing it to Alberto afterwards. He caught it, not using it right away, but rather clutching it lightly.

"Hey, Luca," he said, almost as a question.

"Hm?" I replied. I kinda knew I was ignoring the tone of the sentence, but it wasn't noticeable enough.

"About...earlier," he spoke quietly. I picked up one of the paddles to start rowing, but he grabbed it from me and set it down before I could.

"I mean, what you said..."

"Oh...yeah...I mean, it was just...a joke," I tried to shrug it off, but I could feel my face getting warm.

"Was it?" He asked skeptically, raising an eyebrow at me. He didn't seem mad, just curious.

"I mean, I...yeah, I mean--"

"Luca." He cut me off. I sighed while our eyes met, looking away as I felt it get more intense.

"Were you being serious?" He asked in an almost stern tone.

I shrugged, feeling myself get more and more defensive. "I don't know, I-" I stopped myself. "No."

He sighed loudly, looking around before saying anything. I felt my heart hurting. Why did I lie?

"You're such a liar!" He yelled, splashing water on me. I looked back in surprise, half of my face turned into scales. I could see he was smiling, but I wasn't stupid enough to ignore the tears pricking at his eyes.

"What?!" I laughed, splashing water back at him. He splashed more, cupping his hands in the water and coming over to dump it on me.

"Wait, nooo!" I laughed loudly, backing away and pretending to plead. I covered my face with my hands, expecting more water to come down on me, but it didn't.

He grabbed my hands, pulling them away from my face and holding onto them.

"Were you being serious?" He asked me again. My smile faded, and I felt my face get hot. I knew it was noticeable this time, because he was a lot closer than before. He was kneeled in front of me, my back supported by the side of the boat. He leaned forward, my hands in his. I felt like I couldn't speak.

So I nodded. I looked away in embarrassment, but looked back when nothing happened. He looked back at me with a soft smile. I smiled back.

Hey, sorry this took soooo long to write!! I kinda lost my motivation, but I wanted to get this one done. I hope you like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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