Sick Day

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Alberto's POV

"Luca?" I asked quietly, knocking lightly on the door as I opened it. There was no response. "Giulia told me you weren't feeling well enough to come fishing," I continued, closing the door behind me and approaching the bed.

"I told her I'd stay here to look after you while they were gone." There was a mumble and a small shift under the blanket. As I neared, I was able to hear his soft breathing from where he lay; the back of his head just barely over the blanket. Of course I don't want him to be sick, was kinda nice for it to be just the two of us.

"Luca?" I asked again as I lay a hand on top of the blanket, assuming it was his shoulder. He didn't really move, but he groaned to let me know he was listening.

I didn't really know what to say. He'd never been this sick before.

I decided to sit down on the bed next to him. As gently as I could, I placed a hand on the side of the mattress and lowered myself beside him. I could see him grimace, but I wouldn't exactly be able to see him if I sat on the ground.

"Luca?" I asked for a third time. The silence was killing me.

"What?" He finally replied, though it was more of a mumble than anything.

"Are you okay?"I said, next to a whisper. I leaned over just a tiny bit to see his face. His eyes were closed, and his complexion was a lot more pale than usual. He sighed, beginning to flip on the bed until he faced me. He opened his eyes to look at me. He looked miserable.

"No, I'm not really okay," he confessed, snuggling into the blanket again. I put a hand on his arm. He closed his eyes again, but smiled in response.

"Is there anything I can do to help? Because, you know, if you can think of anything, just--"

"I don't think so, Beto," he said, reopening his eyes and giving me a half-smile. I didn't believe him.

"Come on, what is it?" I teased with a gentle nudge. He smiled instantly.

"What is what?"

"You know what! What do you want?" I said as I got up from the bed. I kneeled in front of it, resting my head on the mattress and staring into his eyes. His face seemed to have more colour, all of the sudden. "If you need anything, you'd better tell me."

"I don't," he said, although he couldn't contain his giggles anymore. He started laughing, bringing a hand up to his face. I reached out and grabbed it, catching him off-guard.

I proceeded to bring his hand up, kissing the back of it delicately. Luca did nothing but watch. His face now straight, he stared into my eyes the entire time. He seemed to get flushed.

"I am at your service," I said, staring back. My face was straight now, too, and I could feel it heat up. I was beginning to feel sick, myself.

"Beto..." he trailed off. I didn't let go of his hand after that, and he didn't pull away either.

"Well...." he continued. My face lit up. Maybe there was something I could do to help him feel better, after all.

"I'm really cold," he said with a look of discomfort. The mountain of ideas started running through my head of everything I could do for him.

"Oh! That's an easy one," I started. I began listing off ideas to him, but my words slowed when I saw him staring at me. Confused, I stopped talking and raised an eyebrow.

"Is..everything okay?" He seemed to snap out of this thoughts or something. Either he was really out of it, or he was daydreaming. I always wondered what went on inside his head...

"Yeah! Yes! Everything's fine! That sounds great and all, I just..." Has he forgotten how to finish a sentence?

"You just what?"

"I don't know, I thought maybe you could..uh..." he fought it back, smiling cheekily.

"Luca, I can't help you unless you tell me what it is," I said as I lifted my head. My arms were resting on the mattress next to him, and I was still holding his hand. My knees were starting to get sore from the hardwood.

" school, they taught us about some science stuff, and...I learned that the best way to get warm when you're cold is with someone else," he explained to me. His face went red. What about science? That was the one with the numbers...right?

" want me to go get Machiavelli..?" I asked, confused.

"No! I-" he took a deep breath. "I meant you." Oh. Wait, what?

My face went red. Like yeah we've hugged before and everything, but like...cuddling?

"Alberto..?" Luca asked, trying to get my attention. He had a concerned expression on his face.

"So you want me to cuddle with you?" Maybe I said that more plainly than I'd hoped to. Or maybe I had just a little too much enthusiasm in my voice.

"I...well, yeah..." he blushed before looking back at me and smiling. I couldn't even contain my excitement. I smiled from ear to ear as I stood up.

Luca moved over to make room for me on the bed, moving the blanket so I could get under it with him. I settled myself facing him, my arm supporting my head, as well as the pillow. I wrapped my arm around him gently, softly tracing patterns on his back.

He sighed, but it seemed to be more of a content, relaxed one. He closed his eyes; I could tell he was ready to go to sleep. But before I closed my eyes as well, I lifted my head, leaning over and kissing his forehead. I could see a soft smile form on his lips, right before it faded and he fell asleep.

I'm sick today, so why not draw inspiration from it and milk it for what it's got? If the format is weird, it's because I have to use Wattpad on the web :/

Thanks for reading <3

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