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Alberto's POV

"Why can't you tell me?" I asked, confused. It hurt. As far as I knew, he'd never done this before. Whenever he had something he didn't want people to know, he'd talk to me about it. Now, all of the sudden, he was telling Giulia instead of me.

"I just can't, Alberto," Luca replied. He paced around the room, his face pink from embarrassment. I don't understand, it's not like it's that bad. Right?

"Why not??" I said louder. I was starting to get annoyed. He shook his head with a sigh, stopping to face me.

"I-" he started before breaking eye contact almost immediately after it started.

"Luca, come on. What's the worst thing that could happen?" I exhaled, extending a hand in reason. Saying that seemed to have struck an unknown nerve in him. He paused, looking to the side and sniffling.

"I don't want you to judge me. Or even worse...I don't want you to hate me." His voice cracked. His eyes were filling with tears, but before I could address it, be wiped them away.

"Luca, you're the only friend I've ever had. if I didn't want a friend, I wouldn't have went after you when we met." I explained, stepping closer to him.

"What do you mean?"

"You ran away. I could've taken my stuff and left, but I wanted to meet you," I said, gesturing in the direction of the tower. "I wanted to meet someone like me. And you aren't, but that made it even better!"

He sighed. "I can't just come out and say it," He said quietly, running a hand through his hair.

I took a moment to think about how to approach this. I didn't want to pressure him, he was already stressed enough that I overheard him talking to Giulia about it. I let my frustration go.

"I'm not going to hate you if you do. Trust me, I've tried. It doesn't work," I said, playfully nudging his shoulder. It relieved just the tiniest amount of anxiety in me to see him smile at the comment.

"Alberto, I'm...I'm gay," he finally confessed. He looked up at me, waiting for some kind of reaction.

"I uh..." I started, reaching a hand to rub the back of my neck. "I don't know what that means..." I grinned stupidly. I didn't want to make the situation worse, but I think I made the situation worse. He stood in front of me, arms crossed and face red.

"I-I...It means I.." he trailed off. He took a deep breath before finishing his sentence. "It means that I like you."

Oh. Oh! That's a lot better than I was expecting. I must've zoned out thinking about it because next thing I knew, he was staring at me expectantly. One of these days I'm going to chew a hole in my lip from how much I bite it when I'm thinking.

"I like you too!" I said with a huge smile.

He looked shocked. "Wait, really?!"

"Yeah, you're my best friend! Of course I like you!"

"Oh..." That's not good.

There was a moment of silence before I spoke.

"...that's..not what you meant," I said, wincing. Sometimes I get ahead of myself. He shook his head, but this time, with a small smile.

"I mean..that I like you, but like..." he stopped. We waited several long moments for him to continue, but he never did. He looked to the ground for comfort. It seemed to be something very personal.

I reached out, grabbing his hand. He jumped the slightest bit, I could tell he hadn't expected it. He looked up at me, a worried expression on his face. I just smiled back, giving him a thumbs up with my free hand. Maybe that's what he needed, because he finally began talking again.

"I think I like you as more than a friend." Luca gulped. His hand gripped mine a lot harder than I think he realized. His face was bright red, but it seemed different now. It felt like what he said told me it was okay to feel more. So I did.

I pulled him in for a hug, letting go of his hand and wrapping my arms around him. He tensed at first, but once he knew, he hugged back. I'd say the tightest he's ever hugged me.

"I like you too, Luca," I smiled. It was then that I noticed he was shaking. Not by much, but enough for me to notice. "Is that okay?"

"Yes, that's amazing! I was expecting you to be mad or something!" He said, facing me with a huge smile. I could see tears in his eyes, but happy ones. Not like the ones when we said goodbye at the train station.

I got the sudden urge to do something. I've never done it before. I just knew it was really special. But...he's special. I moved one hand to his cheek, my other hand still wrapped around him. He looked confused for a second, before quickly figuring out what was happening.

Slowly, I leaned in closer. He did too.

"Can I?" I whispered. My face burned, it must've been at least half as red as his was. Maybe more. He didn't say anything in response, but gave me a slow nod.

Before I knew it, the gap between us disappeared.

I'm back. Idk how much I'm going to be writing, but I love these two together so I wanted to write something :D

Thanks for reading <3

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