Chapter 5: Sam

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Swearing | kissing | pecks | oogies | mention of murder | etc

(please read the a/n at the end of the chapter for clarification)


"Tars, you have to calm down," I whispered, rubbing Katara's back. She shook her head and clung onto my arm over the armrest. "I don't like flying," she whispered. I smiled and pecked her head. "Don't worry, Tara. We're only flying to Syria. It's ok, I have you."

"Aang? What's your brother's name again?" Sushi asked from next to Katara. "Sam," I whispered. They nodded and turned back to their phone, typing something away. "And we're visiting him why?" I closed my eyes as I pressed closer to Katara. "We need to bring him back home so we can work with him to find Hama." They nodded and smiled, looking at Katara.

"You guys are cute as fuck. When'll you get together." I smiled and rolled my eyes as Katara snorted lightly, pressing closer to my neck. I smiled as I turned down to press a kiss to her head, turning back up to Sushi. "Maybe when we catch up?. I was dead for 10 years, apparently." Katara nodded into my neck. "Yes, yes you were."

"Wait, Aang," Suki said, pulling over the seat behind me. "You have a brother? Since when?" I smiled. "He's 17. So... 7." Zuko (literally wrote sokka then changed it) pulled over the seat next to her- behind Katara's supposed seat. "Wasn't he dating Maddie?" Katara nodded. "Still is. They're doing long distance while he's visiting Gyatso, Pamela, and Tristan." Zuko nodded. "Of course they are. Maddie can't let go of someone for the life of her."

"Hey, don't talk shit about our girl," Katora said, pulling up next to Zuko. "By the way," she turned to Katara, "you're lucky Aang showed up the day before. Girl, I am not going on stage for you again." Katara smiled into my neck, and I slowly felt my heart melting.

I smiled at her, looking at her in complete adoration. "Ick," Sokka complained from the seat in front of me. "They're not even together yet. Leave them alone," Toph said, next to him. "No," he replied, sticking out his tongue at her. I sucked in a breath as Toph froze for a second, before saying, "you're lucky you don't have an abusive girlfriend."

I let out my breath as Satoru pulled up next to Toph. "Sokka, you just witnessed almost-death." Katara and Sushi laughed as I smiled, laughing a little bit. "Yeah, you guys are still the same." From the seat across from me, Mai smiled. Mai fucking Admani smiled. Wow.

"Did my girl just smile?" Tylee asked from next to her. I grinned as Katara squealed, turning up to see Mai, who was still smiling. "You guys are cute," pointing to us. I smiled and squeezed Katara closer to me. "I'm surprised you smiled." She dropped the smile and glared daggers at me. "And I'm surprised it took you 14 years to pull a girl who's in love with you."

"No one pulled anyone yet-"


Azula, who was next to Tylee, "oohed" at me. I rolled my eye as Katara threw a piece of ice at her. "Shut up." I glared at Mai before she threw a knife at her. "We're on a public aeroplane. No." She rolled her eyes as everyone sat back down in their chairs. The others on the plane turned back around to whatever they were doing before as I sighed. This is gonna be a long 12 hours.


"Ok, we're staying with Aang's parents for a week. Sam is at the orphanage right now, and he should be home in a few minutes. Let's go," Katara said, grabbing her bags and running. All of us ran after her, and I was smiling the entire time. She is just the cutest thing ever when she's determined on something. Now, I have no idea why she's so determined to get this woman in jail. I literally was with her for 10 years and I forgot her name. Plus, I'm here now, right?

Long Lost LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang