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Warning! Contains: love, violence, fighting, kidnapping, hatred, bending, etc etc

(A/N: good morning/night my luvs! How are you all doing? I am very excited today but I do have a chapter due tomorrow on my other account and no I haven't started it yet even though I have had two weeks, so this is going to be short. Thank you and have a nice day besties <3)


Katara and Aang.

They are the perfect couple. Everyone loves them and they are oh so cute. But it literally takes one person to ruin that. Just one.

"Aang, I need help with my homework," Katara says over FaceTime. "Can you pleaseeeee come over?" Aang smiled and nodded, "sure Katara! But tell me how this beanie looks first."

As he said it, he pulled up an orange beanie on his head, covering his shaggy brown-black hair. Katara blushed, trying her hardest to cover it up. "It looks great! Now come help me!" Aang smiled and ended the FaceTime call.

5 minutes later, Katara started to get worried. Aang lived next door, they should be working on the equation by now. He should've already climbed through the window to her room by now.

Suddenly, sirens started screeching and Sokka, Katara's older brother, flew into her room. "Tara! Aang's being kidnapped!" The second she heard that she has her window open and the net ripped in half, ready to jump out.

Sokka leaped over and grabbed her ankle, but she had already leaped. She was running down the street to where she saw Aang. He was being held by a man wearing all black, everything on him dark as the night sky surrounding her.


She made a slash of water and tried cutting through the man's clothes- even his body. But he wouldn't budge. The glare he gave her almost made her turn around, but then she heard Aang's muffled screams again and her eyes narrowed as she took a stance.

"Not on my watch," she muttered. She used the water in her hands and made it into ice, trying to throw the icicle in the man's eye. But then, she saw the man's hair fall down and the face coverings come off. It was a woman.

She took her fingers and did something with them, lining them up. And once she started bringing them down, Katara went down with them. She grunted and cried and screamed, trying to get out of the insane grip the woman had on her. But it was no use.

Aang screamed and ripped through the tape on his mouth, seeing Katara be held down. "LET GO OF HER!" The woman only chuckled and shut his mouth, letting Katara cry out in pain of the sight.

"Wh... who are you?" one of the policemen asked. She shot them an ice glare and smirked. "Hama."

Katara suddenly stood up, water following her all around. The moonlight shone on her skin, letting Aang stare at her in confusion and awe. "Let. Go. Of. Him." Hama gave a terrified glance as she tightened her grip on the boy, looking at Katara.

Katara had made a tunnel of water and used it to propel herself into the air, looking down at Hama with murder in her eyes. She suddenly threw water and ice at the old woman, hitting her and seeing the blood fly everywhere.

And she saw Aang. She used her water to cut the ropes tying his hands, and Aang's eyes started watering as he pulled out. She reached for his arm and he grasped hands with her, watching her throw ice everywhere. "Come on!" she screamed.

"I love you, Katara."

All of a sudden, Aang was being yanked down to Earth again. And before Katara knew it, he and Hama were gone. It was just her and the police, lying painfully on the sidewalk.


Katara woke up in the hospital, her head pounding. "What happened?" she whispered, turning to Sokka, sitting on a chair next to her. He smiled and grabbed her hand. "You were unconscious for two days. You need rest."

She sat upright. "Why was I unconscious, Sokka? What happened?" He winced and put his book on the table next to her, looking in her eyes. "Ok, don't freak out. But Aang's missing. You were fighting with the woman trying to kindap him... and she did something. You broke your leg and you have a concussion."

"AANG'S MISSING?!" she screamed. Sokka winced and nodded, looking down at the floor with his eyes closed. "Yeah. He is. The kidnapper... Hama... she won. She took him. And the police can't find her because she wore gloves. They're trying to track him down and he's all over the news."

Katara let her eyes fill up with water and pool out, landing everywhere all over here. "When are they going to find him?" Sokka shook his head, sighing, and looked up at her. "I don't know, sis."

Her lower lip quivered. "I never even got to tell him I love him..."

Sokka shook his head and got up, hugging her tightly. She hugged him back, her face in his chest. "And it's all my fault."


Yes luvs I know how short this is please don't come at me 😭 I was in a car for 5 hours and this is what I got done- this piece of shit. But I do have to get started on the chapter for my main so I do have to hurry up, I'm so sorry about this.

Anyways, how do you guys like the idea of this book? Thoughts? I really like it!

(I owe Ana my credit because before I made perfect life she told me to make this into a book instead of a one shot, just like she did with perfect life, so thank you Ana ily<3)

Two quick bullet points: 1, there is no religion in this book because three people *aHEM* yAlL know who you are- got a little mad since I didn't add smut. I'm just gonna leave you guys cliffhanging this time. And 2, bending but no avatar again. Thought it fit this because I didn't want to get into him glowing up during the fight today so yeah :)

Have you guys wasted today? Have you drank enough and slept last night? I want to make sure that you guys are all happy, so anything that is bothering you please talk to someone you trust. I love you all, and if I can help, please tell me! (Yes I kept my promise and put my disc in my bio lol)

Random: ouuuu your hair colour is perfect on you!!

Have an amazing day/night!

(1047 words) Much love xx -Ema

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