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D'kala and Kia walked through a park in the less-feral section of the Animal District, enjoying the snowy scenery all around them. Kia glanced to and fro for a moment before giving DK a sly smile. "Hey, DK," she said, eyes twinkling mischievously, "wanna have a snowball fight?"

"I hope you won't mind if I pass," D'kala answered with a wry smile of his own.

"Aw, whatsa matter? Scared of a little cold?" Kia teased. She hopped off the path and scooped up a snowball before firing it into D'kala's shoulder.

"Ah!" D'kala jumped, startled.

Kia giggled and picked up another snowball. "C'mon, DK! Fight back!" she called, hurling the clump of snow into D'kala's face.

D'kala shielded himself with his arms, laughing. "Alright—now you've done it!" He picked up a snowball of his own, and the fight began.

Snowballs flew back and forth over the pathway, forcing passers-by to duck, bob, and weave for fear of being caught in the crossfire.

Eventually, Kia leapt across the pathway—which had, up to that point, served as a line in the sand—and tackled D'kala into the snow. They both rolled over onto their backs, falling into a laughing fit as they stared up at the sky.

After a while, the laughter died away, and Kia rolled onto her side, propping her head up with one hand. "Hey, DK?" she said again.

"Yes, Kia?" D'kala asked, catching a snowflake on his tongue.

"Are we gonna talk about it?"

D'kala turned to her. "Talk about what?"

"Last night," Kia replied shyly. "Before, y'know... all the craziness."

Goosebumps popped up on D'kala's arms, and not because of the cold.

"We didn't talk about it over breakfast," Kia went on. "We didn't talk about it over lunch. So maybe... we can talk about it over dinner?" She gave D'kala a hopeful smile.

"I think—" D'kala stopped as his voice broke and cleared his throat. "That would be nice," he managed to say, returning the smile awkwardly. "But where—"

"Don't worry 'bout that," Kia broke in, her smile growing. "I took the liberty of scouting out some swanky restaurants earlier today—y'know, in case we were feelin' a little crazy or somethin'."

D'kala chuckled. "I suppose we're a little crazy, then."

Kia's smile morphed into a grin. "Guess so."


The City District was bustling by the time D'kala and Kia headed out for dinner—which was to be expected, since it was a Friday night. The restaurant Kia had selected—Starlight's—was packed, but thanks to her presumptuous (albeit clever) foresight, she'd managed to make reservations that morning.

D'kala was dressed in the only suit he'd brought with him from Kenya while Kia wore a sparkling black dress. They sat at a small circular table, fiddling with their menus in awkward silence.

Then, finally, Kia set down her menu, leaned forward, and said, "I'm starting to think we should'a hit up Mickey D's instead."

D'kala laughed, thankful for her attempt to lighten the mood. "Nonsense. Then there'd be no reason wear this suit."

"You sure? I hear the fast food places up here are pretty high-brow," Kia said jokingly, raising an eyebrow.

"You guys ready to order?"

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