Kidnapping - Chapter One

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Third Person POV

A bright light fills the room as dozens of people begin to appear in the room. Alive, dead and faded. Gods, demigods, mortals and others.

"Why are we here?!" Zeus thundered as everyone in the room got on the defence, preparing for an attack at any moment.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you." A voice said from the shadow-covered corner of the room.

"Show yourself!" Hades demanded, darkness beginning to cover the room.

A girl stepped out of the shadows and introduced themselves, "I'm Rhiannon, but you can call me Rhia, and you are here to read books about another universe. A universe where Percy Jackson is born a girl and the changes that would cause."

After everyone had settled down and gotten over their shock, they asked all the questions they thought necessary and began to arrange themselves on the sofas that filled the room, with the gods shrinking down to human size.

Row One - Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, Frank

Row Two - Ella, Tyson, Grover, Juniper, Clarisse, Chris, Miranda, Connor, Travis, Katie, Lou Ellen , Castor, Will, Nico, Butch, Clovis, Malcolm, Harley, Jake, Nyssa, Pollus, Drew

Row Three - Reyna, Dakota, Gwen, Octavian

Row Four - Thalia, Rest of hunters

Row Five - Chiron, Rachel, Sally, Paul, Frederick, Bobby, Matthew, Mrs Chase, Tristan

Row Six - Gods (With Zeus mad that he wasn't at the front obviously)

Row Seven - Pan, Zoe, Bianca, Selena, Beckendorf, Lee, Micheal, Castor, Ethan, Luke

"This should be good." Thalia jokes, the others laughing while Percy pouted and sunk into his seat. Annabeth, though chuckling, rubbed his shoulder in support.

"Alright, now that you have all settled down (Looking at Zeus) we can start. If you need anything during the reading just call out and it will be supplied as long as your request is in reason. So who would like to start?" Rhiannon asked the group, glancing round with a book.

"I will, since it is about my child I guess." Poseidon spoke up from beside his wife and son, Amphitrite and Triton. (I might have not mentioned them but they are there with Persephone and the other minor gods like Herakles and Iris and Hecate)

Rhiannon passed him the book and he opened it to the first chapter.

"The Prologue . . .

And that is the first chapter!

I do not have an updating schedule at the moment so I am sorry if I go a few weeks without updating.

Before starting this book I got permission from the original author of 'a story as endless as the ocean' to use her book in this story, who is amazing by the way and you should go follow her because her books are amazing.

Till next time my loves,

Rhia x

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